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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Just uploaded the Iowa DVD. These links are in the first post.

TimBUCK2's 2006 Game5 Ohio State At Iowa Collector DVD (PimpTorrent) NEW!!!
TimBUCK2's 2006 Game5 Ohio State At Iowa Collector DVD (Demonoid) NEW!!!

This one's pretty nifty because it has the game highlight video on it. The those locals not in the know, I discovered the ABC6 runs a program called Buckeye Football Fever Post-Game Report after the game, where the do a really nice job playing the highlights 20 minutes after the game!

Better still, the quality is superb (and the file is 3x smaller) because I don't have to re-encode it like my normal highlight videos.



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I see that only one tracker was specified when the torrent was created -- http://inferno.demonoid.com:3393/announce. The pimptorrent tracker isn't being used for backup -- http://tracker.digital-corruption.net/announce.php.

I've got a quick question though. Do the two different trackers use the same group of seeders and peers?
Multiple trackers can be used per file so that if a tracker fails other trackers can continue with the transfer. Trackers are placed in tiers with a tracker in the top tier randomly chosen and tried. If all the trackers in the top tier fail then a tracker from the the next tier is chosen and tried.
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I think I follow you. Presumably then I would be better off adding 2 trackers to the torrent file instead of using PimpTorrent for its public torrent support?

If demonoid were to go down some day, would pimptorrent manage my torrents, or would I need to specify 2 tracker announce URLs?

Holy crap I'm dizzy.
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As it stands now if the demonoid tracker went down your torrent would be dead in the water because that is the only tracker the individual clients know about. When you first create your torrent you need to specify the public trackers you intend to upload the torrent to. In this case you would need to enter the announce URL's of both demonoid and pimptorrent to the program that your are using to create the torrent. I see that Azureus is your torrent creator of choice but I don't think it allows the creation of torrents using multiple trackers.
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Azureus allows for multiple trackers, I've done it before. You just have to pick the option when you're creating the torrent.

When you go to File -> New Torrent... -> Check the Add multiple tracker info box. On the next screen it'll ask you what trackers you want to use.
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timBUCK2;622851; said:
Just uploaded the Iowa DVD. These links are in the first post.

TimBUCK2's 2006 Game5 Ohio State At Iowa Collector DVD (PimpTorrent) NEW!!!
TimBUCK2's 2006 Game5 Ohio State At Iowa Collector DVD (Demonoid) NEW!!!

This one's pretty nifty because it has the game highlight video on it. The those locals not in the know, I discovered the ABC6 runs a program called Buckeye Football Fever Post-Game Report after the game, where the do a really nice job playing the highlights 20 minutes after the game!

Better still, the quality is superb (and the file is 3x smaller) because I don't have to re-encode it like my normal highlight videos.




Great work timBUCK2!! Greenies will be forthcoming once I spread some rep around...:biggrin:
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I have a question....

Is it possible to watch the DVD games on the comp.??? Or can you only watch the divx games on it. I do not have a DVD burnrer where I can get the games and watch them on my TV, and I was hoping to watch the games again. Is it possible to watch them on comp.? Just wondering, appreciate the help.
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Yup you can play the dvd versions of the games on your computer. You'll need some dvd playing software. I recommend Intervideo windvd, but there are also a million other programs out there that'll play the file. Once you have the software go into the video_ts folder that you just downloaded and open one of the files with an .IFO extension. The video should start playing after that.
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Popper252;623055; said:
Azureus allows for multiple trackers, I've done it before. You just have to pick the option when you're creating the torrent.

When you go to File -> New Torrent... -> Check the Add multiple tracker info box. On the next screen it'll ask you what trackers you want to use.

Thanks for clearing that up. I was looking in the FAQ's for Azureus but couldn't find anything about multiple trackers.
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Finally, finally...my DVR is working again! Iowa game is now up!

With a little tweaking here and there I got the file size down smaller than last years divx's, but with the same if not better quality. Let me know what you think.
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