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I looked at my Utorrent and it appears right now that out of 53 possible seeders I am the only person seeding the 2007 OSU vs Mich. game. How is that even possible. How is this supposed to work if no one seeds these games?
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Best Buckeye;1002119; said:
Woody that sumo torrent isn't working ?

I have recreated the torrent and tested both the torrent and the files themselves. The full 1.99 GB did begin to download from my other computer....should be good to go.

The wiki has been updated, but here is the link anyway:

HBO The Rivalry OSU UM : TV Shows > Sports related - Mininova

I used piratebay as the tracker, but mininova to host it with (I like mininova's interface better). Both have been around for a bit and while piratebay occasionally has some issues with their government (Sweden, I think), their tracker should still prove to be reliable.

Enjoy and have a great and safe Thanksgiving.

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woodyhayes68;1002459; said:
I have recreated the torrent and tested both the torrent and the files themselves. The full 1.99 GB did begin to download from my other computer....should be good to go.

The wiki has been updated, but here is the link anyway:

HBO The Rivalry OSU UM : TV Shows > Sports related - Mininova

I used piratebay as the tracker, but mininova to host it with (I like mininova's interface better). Both have been around for a bit and while piratebay occasionally has some issues with their government (Sweden, I think), their tracker should still prove to be reliable.

Enjoy and have a great and safe Thanksgiving.


I can't seem to connect.
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Any chance someone could help me out by seeding The Rivalry: Ohio State vs. Michigan? I'm stuck at 41.8%, thanks!

Edit: My apologies, didn't see you're post Silent Nature.

Also, right now I'm seeding the 2007 Illinois, Wisky, and Michigan games as well as the '04 Michigan game. Any chance someone could help me download the '06 Spring game and the '87 Cotton Bowl?
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