Yep. Happens in rec leagues all the time, and it even happens at the travel level (both baseball and softball). Of course, today's "travel level" player is another story... hey, if you wanna spend a grand to go watch your kid and his buddies get their asses handed to them all weekend long, be my guest. He's a "travel player" I guess.
Absolutely. If you really breakdown a swing you'll see a great many of our traditional cues are flat our wrong. My favorite, and I still hear this one and it drive me nuts, is "squish the bug" Yeah? Here's Albert Pujols "squishing the bug"
With his... tippy toe, I guess... (This was a HR)
And, if you REALLY wanna see a bug squish, check out A-Rod, who squishes bugs so well he doesn't even need his foot on the fucking ground...
(also a HR)
Seems there is some "back door" way to get to some of O'Leary's essays rather than the pay wall.
Create ground force
Ground force rotates hips
Hips rotate shoulders/torso
Torso drags bat through zone fast enough to hit pitching.
These are the basic elements of swing mechanics. Hundreds of details for each but you must have these basics.
Most of the monster 9 year olds that all of a sudden can’t hit anymore are because they got away with arm swings instead of body swings imo.