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"Greed Is Good"
My laptop is having a minor issue, atleast thats what I hope. It seems as if the time/date is stuck in limbo when using Internet Explorer. Whenever I open a new webpage it uses info from the July 4th. My time is correct in the lower right corner. Is there somewhere else that I need to reset or correct? What would cause this problem?

Thanks in advance.
As Muck said, try clearing the cache, and after that set IE to load pages new every single time. In case you don't know how to do that:

1. Click "Tools" in the browser menu and then select "Internet Options"
2. Click the "Settings" button
3. Click the "Every visit to the page" radio button
4. Click "OK" twice to close out
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This happened to me once, around a year or two ago, and if memory serves it was spyware causing the problem... Or, maybe it was those fuckers at "cool web search" hijacking my browser... Anyway... you may want to run some spyware software if you haven't and you may want to download The Shredder if indeed you have CWS hijacker on board your system.
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Flux Capacitor ... fix it.

I tried that yestermorrow!
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