Okay, I have been given a green light to throw you guys a bone here.
This year all of the equipment has its own attributes. With these attributes, we can make clubs play the way they would in real life. While most drivers give you excellent power, their recovery isn't so good, making them worthless out of bad lies. Irons with large heads and cavity backs have great power and accuracy but lack when it comes to their workability and spin. On the other hand, small headed forged irons (blades) have more workability and spin but less accuracy and power. You can even select a ball that will give you more spin, more power, or a balance of both.
Shafts are equipped on a per club type basis. Equipping a stiffer shaft will enhance the power for that club type. However, shaft flex directly affects your tempo, with stiffer shafts requiring a harder swing for perfect tempo.
You will also have more clubs to select from for your Golf Bag than ever before.
Drivers:7.0, 7.5, 8.0, .... 11.5.
Woods: 3W, 5W,7W
Hybrids: 2H, 3H, 4H, 5H, 6H, 7H
Irons: 1I-PW
Wedges: 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64
Ultimately, these equipment updates will give you the ability to pick clubs that improve your game in the areas you need it most.
We have also updated our entire pro shop and its contents. The pro shop has a new look to it. (No more tiny item boxes!!!!! Big thanks to RC for making this happen. It looks great!). We have also updated the equipment and apparel on most of the companies. (Especially the equipment, which is almost all new across the board with very few older items sticking around). There is a whole new line of EA sets as that are unlocked in several different ways as well.
We will release more details on these features in a future blog. But this should tide you over for a bit