Head Coach
Are you a Major? A retired Major getting a GS-12 or GS-13 position would be doing just fine. Just be advised that property taxes in Dayton are fucking retardedly high. A good friend of mine (retired E-8, currently a GS-13 I believe with 16-17 years) has a house in Dayton that's worth about $200k and pays well over $6k a year in property taxes.
I'm not going to live in Dayton. Looking to stay well south of there. Not to mention, that's less than half of what typical taxes in jersey are.
Colorado has a messed up constitutional amendment that keeps residential property taxes (technically the ratio of valuation for assessment) unnaturally low and makes up for it with high business property taxes. My property tax rate, based on actual value, is about 1/5 of what Mili's reporting for Dayton.