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Game Thread THE GAME, tOSU at TSUN, Sat Nov 26th, Noon ET, ABC/ESPN

Steve19;2046961; said:
If this guy could throw, he'd be at the top of the Heisman race.

Not as a true freshman. Wouldn't matter if he had 50 TD passes.

He won't be a freshman forever, and he WILL get better. :biggrin:
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OhioState001;2046964; said:
FIELD POSITION! When we are winning it we are dominating its something Tressel always stressed Denard can not march down the field without making a mistake

This x1000000000000000000000!

He will make a mistake in either a fumble or jump ball when he has to go the length of the field. We need to make that happen every. single. time.
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