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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 14, TSUN 3 (final)

OWUBuckeye51;995062; said:
IIRC, your team struggled with every mobile QB they have ever faced...Troy Smith ring a bell????

Dennis Dixon?
I think fanatic is a Texas fan.

Though, in that light, they had enough trouble when a certain mobile QB faced off against their mobile QB in Columbus, and were even worse off when our mobile QB faced off against their immobile QB in Austin :biggrin:
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sandgk;995077; said:
I think fanatic is a Texas fan.

Though, in that light, they had enough trouble when a certain mobile QB faced off against their mobile QB in Columbus, and were even worse off when our mobile QB faced off against their immobile QB in Austin :biggrin:

Texas??? LOL Oh well let's hear it for the king of underachievers.

I have decided that no matter what tsun needs to forfiet a trip to the Rose bowl. tsun fans ask yoursevles this question: "Do we really want to go to another BCS bowl game and get our asses kicked again?"
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Lockup;995065; said:
Well you sure know us don't you. Maybe you have scums D mixed up with ours.

Vince Young ran for 76 and only beat us by 3 after a late 4th quarter touchdown.
Teabow ran for 39 and leak ran for 7.
Juice ran for 70 yards on us 2 more yards than Boeckman had.

I would say everyone one of those loses had little to do us being unable to contain a mobile QB.

BTW Vince ran for 192 on you guys, which was more than tsun's whole team had.

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Lockup;995094; said:
Texas??? LOL Oh well let's hear it for the king of underachievers.

I have decided that no matter what tsun needs to forfiet a trip to the Rose bowl. tsun fans ask yoursevles this question: "Do we really want to go to another BCS bowl game and get our asses kicked again?"

We beat you, and went on to win the National Championship. You beat us, and went on to play the most horrific National Championship disaster in the history of the BCS. And we're the underachievers, lol?

Still, I am picking you to win your game, then go on to a bowl and get beat by a team with some speed.
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well when I saw the name, MyMame--etc... I knew it had to be a scummer.

Do they think we are going to decide the outcome of the game by writing childish goofy shit on a message board??

Write back Saturday evening and tell us how you REALLY feel.

Go Bucks
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MyMamaTastesFunny;995215; said:
We beat you, and went on to win the National Championship. You beat us, and went on to play the most horrific National Championship disaster in the history of the BCS. And we're the underachievers, lol?

Still, I am picking you to win your game, then go on to a bowl and get beat by a team with some speed.

I would love to argue with you about how you recruit top talent year in and year out and yet have 2-3 losses a year except for one year where you played to your potential, but this is Michigan week, so I will just leave you with one thing.

Like most who post before getting facts you have no clue, our 41-14 loss was bad but not the worst. That would belong to a Big 12 team Oklahomo. They were beat down by USC in 2005 55-19. Imagine that!!!
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MyMamaTastesFunny;995215; said:
We beat you, and went on to win the National Championship. You beat us, and went on to play the most horrific National Championship disaster in the history of the BCS. And we're the underachievers, lol?

Still, I am picking you to win your game, then go on to a bowl and get beat by a team with some speed.

Imagine, if you will, a load of horseshit. And we?re not talking just your average load of horseshit; no, we?re talking colossal load of horsehit. An epic load of horseshit. The kind of load of horseshit that has accreted over decades and has developed its own sort of ecosystem, from the flyblown chunks at the perimeter, down into the heated and decomposing center, generating explosive levels of methane as bacteria feast merrily on vintage, liquified crap. This is a Herculean load of horseshit, friends, the likes of which has not been seen since the days of Augeas. And you look at it and you say, ?Wow, what a load of horseshit.?
But then there?s this guy. And this guy loves this load of horseshit. Why? Well, really, who knows? What possesses someone to love a load of horseshit? It?s beyond your understanding and possibly you don?t actually want to know, even if you could know; maybe it?s one of those ?on that path lies madness? things. But love it he does, and he?s not the only one; the admiration for this particular load of horseshit exists, unaccountably, far and wide. There are advocates for this load of horseshit.
And so this guy who loves this load of horseshit decides that he?s going to do something; he?s going to give it a home. And not just any home, because as this is no ordinary load of horseshit, so must its home be no ordinary repository for horseshit. And so the fellow builds a temple for his load of horseshit. The finest architects scope this temple?s dimensions; the most excellent builders hoist columns around the load of horseshit and cap them with a cunning and elegant dome; and every surface of the temple is clad in fine-grained Italian marble by the most competent masons in a three-state radius. The load of horseshit is surrounded by comfortable seats, the better for people to gaze upon it; docents are hired to expertly describe its history and features; multimedia events are designed to explain its superior nature, relative not only to other loads of horseshit which may compete in loadosity or horseshittery, but to other, completely unrelated things which may or may not be loads of anything, much less loads of horseshit.
The guy who built the temple, satisfied that it truly represents his beloved load of horseshit in the best possible light, then opens the temple to the public, to attract not only the already-established horseshit enthusiasts, but possibly to entice new people to come and gaze on the horseshit, and to, well, who knows, admire its moundyness, or the way it piles just so, to nod in appreciation of the rationalizations for its excellence or to clap in delight and take pictures when an escaping swell of methane causes the load of horseshit to sigh a moist and pungent sigh.
When all of this is done, the fellow turns to you and asks you what you think of it all now, now that this gorgeous edifice has been raised in glory and the masses cluster in celebration.
And you say, ?Well, that?s all very nice. But it?s still just an enormous load of horseshit.?
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Requirement to be a running back at Michigan under Lloyd Carr (Meet 2 of 4):

1. Injury prone
2. Your style can't work in the NFL long term
3. You have to have a mouth as big as Michigan Stadium
4. You don't fumble the ball a lot

Chris Perry
Mike Hart
Anthony Thomas
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Two Michigan grads get a pilot to fly them to Canada to hunt moose. They bag six. As Chad and Mike start loading the plane for the return trip, the pilot says "The plane can only take four of those." The two lads object strongly. "Last year we shot six and the pilot let us put them all on board; he had the same plane as yours." Reluctantly, the pilot gives in and all six are loaded. However, even with full power, the little plane can't handle the load and down it goes and crashes in the middle of nowhere. A few moments later, climbing out of the wreckage, Mike asks Chad, "Any idea where we are?" Chad replies "I think we're pretty close to where we crashed last year."

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Wells: It's a 'privilege' to be part of the rivalry

By Doug Harris
Staff Writer

Friday, November 16, 2007

COLUMBUS ? A win in the Ohio State-Michigan game has been known to make grown men cry, but Chris Wells was so moved about playing for the first time in the rivalry that he was dabbing his eyes even before kickoff last year.
"I can remember sitting at the pregame meal with tears running out of my eyes just because I had never been a part of something like this," the Buckeye running back said.

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Tackling toughest test yet at OSU Coming off a loss, Barton, Buckeyes need victory over Michigan

By George M. Thomas Beacon Journal sportswriter
Published on Friday, Nov 16, 2007
COLUMBUS: Kirk Barton, Ohio State's starting right tackle, doesn't chat with the media as much as he holds court.
On the Monday afternoon of Michigan week, Barton (Perry High School) did his thing for about an hour, informing and entertaining. He's the one everyone goes to for a quote, but sometimes what gets lost in the translation is the intensity of Barton, a fifth-year senior, who is one of the captains of the OSU offense.
Such was the case after the game Saturday against Illinois. Barton, wearing a recognizable scowl, was willing to shoulder the blame for the loss that halted a potential national champion
ship march.

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