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The Game - HBO documentary

NFBuck;880346; said:
Seriously. That will be hard to top...ever.

Not really, coming back from 12 down and less than 10 minutes to play AT ANN ARBOR the year before was even better. Last year should have been a real ass kicking and would have been if not for some uncharacteristic bad plays by Troy and Datish.
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cincibuck;881816; said:
Not really, coming back from 12 down and less than 10 minutes to play AT ANN ARBOR the year before was even better. Last year should have been a real ass kicking and would have been if not for some uncharacteristic bad plays by Troy and Datish.

I think he meant the atmosphere of the '06 game is going to be hard to top...The excitement value was VERY high as well. #1 vs. #2 going down to the wire. I don't even think scUM was ranked in '05 when THE GAME rolled around (that didn't make the comeback any less sweet).
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BearBuck27;882066; said:
I think he meant the atmosphere of the '06 game is going to be hard to top...The excitement value was VERY high as well. #1 vs. #2 going down to the wire. I don't even think scUM was ranked in '05 when THE GAME rolled around (that didn't make the comeback any less sweet).

TSUN was #17 in the AP poll when The Game was played in '05.
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From Coach Tressel's press luncheon today:

REPORTER: Later today there's going to be a screening on campus of the new HBO documentary on the Ohio State/Michigan rivalry.

COACH TRESSEL: Later today?

REPORTER: Yeah, one, did you have any participation in that, and two, looking at the list of things HBO has done, sports things, Arthur Ash, 1980 U.S. hockey team, just your thoughts on this being their first collegiate venture and what that means?
COACH TRESSEL: You know, I think I did get interviewed for that, but you get interviewed for a lot of things, but I believe so. That's extraordinary that this is their first collegiate venture, I didn't know that. I guess that just shows you the Ohio State-Michigan game and the far-reaching impact that it has and I won't be able to make the screening, we'll be working on some things, but that's exciting that it's happening on campus.

Is anyone here going to see it? If so, how was it?
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