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The former Presidents for usernames.

Ronald Reagan;612485; said:
Come Al, if you are smart enough to invent the internet then I think you can slove this problem. Here is an idea use some of your own money, and your billionaire buddies money to fix it.

By the way,what did I just say, I just want soem Jelly Beans.

Umm, Jelly Beans, . . . . . . . . where am I.

Nancy, where are my Jelly Beans.

I thought you Hollywood types were supposed to be bleeding-heart liberals. Fuckin vegetable.

George W. Bush;613034; said:
I just noticed Gore is hangin' around here. You just don't know when to quit, do ya boy? That's it...I'm gettin' Cheney!

I love desk.

Did I give you permission to use my internet, douchelozzle? I didn't fucking think so. I told you to meet me at the bike racks, so get your stupid coked-up ass out here, biatch! It's go time, peckerhead!
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Thump;613788; said:
Yes. When ending a sentence with quotation marks, the question mark/period/ exclamation point always goes inside the quotation marks.


Rule 2. The placement of question marks with quotes follows logic. If a question is in quotation marks, the question mark should be placed inside the quotation marks. Examples She asked, "Will you still be my friend?"
Do you agree with the saying, "All's fair in love and war"?
Here the question is outside the quote. NOTE: Only one ending punctuation mark is used with quotation marks. Also, the stronger punctuation mark wins. Therefore, no period after war is used.
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Oh, by the way - here's a great book each of you should read.

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