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Go to Hell, Ole Miss
The game is gonna be great but I'm equally excited about the two bands. I consider TBDBITL and TGBFTL to be 2 of the top 5 college bands in the country, and their pregame shows are the 2 best ever. I was really impressed with tOSU's band site on wikipedia, excellent tradition.

I'll share some photos and youtube video later.
Here's a few sights and sounds of the Ohio State Marching Band

Before TBDBITL (The Best Damn Band in the Land) enters the stadium they perform a drum cadence with some chanting (they will be singing "Go Ohio beat the Tigers" on 1/7):
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9F8vb41RIo&feature=related"]YouTube - OSU Marching Band entrance[/ame]

Ramp Entrance - How TBDBITL enters Ohio Stadium:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HSr48iBl50&mode=related&search="]YouTube - Ohio State Marching Band Ramp Entrance[/ame]

Script Ohio, the best tradition in college football:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-TQcqRWbDA"]YouTube - Script Ohio MICHIGAN VS OHIO STATE NOVEMBER 18 2006[/ame]

Quad-Script Ohio as performed by TBDBITL and the Alumni Band:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkxIEo5_L_Q&NR"]YouTube - Ohio State vs. N.I.U. Alumni Band Day 9/2/06 Pregame[/ame]

Hang On Sloopy - The official rock song of the state of Ohio... played before the 4th quarter of every game:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oPiBSktp6M&mode=related&search="]YouTube - Hang On Sloopy[/ame]

Carmen Ohio - Ohio State's alma mater. Jim Tressel started a new tradition of the team going to the band after every game, home and away, win or lose, to sing the alma mater. Very cool to see at home games because a majority of the crowd sticks around for it:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXngfNDMDwU"]YouTube - "Carmen Ohio" after Victory 10/7/2006[/ame]
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bkochmc;1017609; said:
Jim Tressel started a new tradition of the team going to the band after every game, home and away, win or lose, to sing the alma mater. Very cool to see at home games because a majority of the crowd sticks around for it:

hmmmm, Les Miles started doing that also. I'll look into it more but I can't recall if he started that last year or the year before.

The TigerBand (or "The Golden Band from Tigerland"/TGBFTL) comes down a slight hill just before entering Tiger Stadium before games. There's usually a crowd of 5,000-15,000 fans waiting on them.
[ame="http://youtube.com/watch?v=PSx17ZZxwaY"]YouTube - Down the Hill/Pregame[/ame]
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Heh, Band smack? What's next, we start talking about the lines painted in the parking lots and who's are straighter? Thanks for the Information on your band 71, I look forward to seeing more videos of your band.
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bkochmc;1017864; said:
Gold is one of their colors... their mascot is the Tigers... What's wrong with the name?

Not only that, but judging from the video the members wear a lot of gold and glitter too! Golden Band!

OCBucksFan;1017882; said:
Thanks for the Information on your band 71, I look forward to seeing more videos of your band.

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sorry guys! couldnt' resist... :p


[edit]: just realized i probably wasted my 500th post...:2004: hrrrmph! that's what you get for band-bashing!
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The bands are one of the best parts of all of college football. It will be nice to see the differences between the music a Big Ten band plays and the music an SEC band plays on stage.

LSU's band has always been, in my opinion, the best at performing the music in the SEC. Good balance in the sections. They implement musical elements well. They are just nice to listen to.

The best band at marching in the SEC is Tennessee. Some of their drills are just insane and fun to watch in person.
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