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superstitious...need help

Take the flag down or leave it up?

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Leave it up!!!! I have my 2002 banner retired in my office. It was put up around 2000 or so. Up on Fridays, every game, up the whole week Meatchicken and Bowl games. My replacement is up, has been all week. Pretty faded but not coming down until it's deserved retirement. I really want two Nat. Champions flags, the old boy will make it to next year. GO BUCKS :osu:
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I have left superstition behind. I now put my faith in Technology!! My Mojo is maxed!!

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Thanks for everybodies votes on the flag. The funny thing is, on the way to my parents house to watch the game, my car flag also ripped, but hung on by a thread. So now I had two flags that ripped, but were not destroyed. The flag was able to be sewed up, and it all worked out.

I think it was very representitive of the Buckeyes. They went thru a lot...one of the best seniors on the team got hurt...they got down late. But they were able to hold on, and pull though and come through with the victory. What a great day :)
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