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superstitious...need help

Take the flag down or leave it up?

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17-4 since 2001
I don't live at my parents house anymore, but since I can remember we've had this same Ohio State flag, that we used to fly on game days. Well...for some reason, starting with the first game of the 2002 season...we didn't take it down...they kept winning, we kept it up. Through rain, wind, snow, whatever, it was up. The flag hasn't been taken down since...but I heard from my dad today that the high winds practically destroyed the flag...and the bottom of it is ripped almost 3/4 of the way...so that the part that says "OHIO STATE" is hanging off, but still attached, barely. He doesn't know whether to go buy a new one...or keep that one up there until after the game/season and then buy a new one. It looks battle tested...like the Buckeyes. Should it stay or should it go?
If they do take it down, it should be on Saturday morning in a formal ceremony, complete with "Carmen Ohio" and all the retirement rituals used for the U. S. flag. The raising of the new flag should kick off a major pre-game celebration.

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God i really am horrible with superstitions when it comes to the Buckeyes. I agree when it comes down, it's going to be a big deal...and what to do then will be a different poll question. But I think i'm leaning on leaving it up...I do kind of like how it tore, but not all the way...bend but don't break. It's the same flag that I flew out of my car window driving down St Rt. 48 after we beat Michigan in 2001 honking my horn and almost wrecking.
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Let it stay up untill these SR's are done, its made it this far with them it can last a few more weeks. Then get a new one for a new season in '06.

If you do decide to retire the flag before this year is up the only way to avoid bad luck is to smash the flagpole over some scUM fans head, blindfold him with the remnants of the flag and push him into oncoming traffic while singing "Don't give a Damn" as loud as you can.

You should listen to me, I was pre-med.
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You should respect the Ohio State Flag as you would Old Glory (though flown in appropriate order) and go out and get a new flag. The old one has diligently held its post for nearly 3 years. It is time to retire it with the dignity and respect it so richly deserves. If you are not speaking of the actual pennant of the State of Ohio and you are referring to a flag bearing the insignia of The Ohio State University, then there are no "real" guidlines there, but I would probably refer to the protocol of any other flag bearing significant meaning and respect it in the same way. As we all know The Ohio State University has had a profound and significant effect on the history and traditions of the State of Ohio, so much so that I would say that one could not have survived without the other, so fly both flags proudly and know that by doing so you are strengthening the resolve of Buckeye Nation.
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