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Straight Six with Keith Wells - Post-NLOID Edition


Capo Regime
Staff member

with Keith Wells


JT can't close...how many times have we heard that? Well, the 2008 Ohio State recruiting class took a step towards dispelling that myth when on the Monday before Signing Day Gainesville, Georgia defensive end Keith Wells made it known that he would be pledging to Coach Tressel and would join one of the better recruiting hauls in recent OSU history. With an explosive first step and great hands, Wells is the kind of Southern rush end OSU recruitniks have been hoping to land for quite some time. But beyond that the BPRT has heard several recruiting experts call Keith a humble young man with a great drive and one of the most likable recruits they have ever come across. After a whirlwind process that included an early commitment to FSU before re-opening his recruitment, things have finally slowed down for Keith and he took some time to take part in our ongoing series, The Straight Six.

BPRT: When you think of Ohio State football, what comes to mind?

KW: Tradition, academics, opportunities for success and a dominant football program.

BPRT: What are a couple of things that seperated OSU from the other schools you were considering?

KW: Ohio State was the better all-around school, Coach Tressel, size and diversity of the school.

BPRT: You have mentioned following the careers of DEs such as Julius Peppers and Dwight Freeney...guys who will be remembered as some of the best to play the position. When your football career is over, how would you like people to remember Keith Wells?

KW: I want people to remember me as a hard worker in all aspects of life. I also want to be remembered as a great role model, an intellengent person, and a success on and off the field (community).

BPRT: If you were analyzing yourself on film, what would you list as some of your strengths and what are some areas that need some work?

KW: Strengths include good use of hands for engaging, speed (first step) and my explosion off the edge. Weaknesses include playing too high at times and experience.

BPRT: What were some of the best parts of the recruiting process and what were some of the worst?

KW: Best parts include meeting legendary coaches, meeting new recruits, which led to new friends (Posey, Brewster, and so on), the feeling you get from programs that really want you. Worst parts include the constant ringing of the phone, pressure and stress.

BPRT: What are some of your favorite things to do away from football?

KW: Hang out with friends, listen to music, see new places.

Keith Wells--Official BP Thread
I think the BPRT outdid themselves with this one. Keith is short and to the point with his answers, but what GREAT answers they are. He speaks as if he were a kid that grew up in C-Bus dreaming of playing for the Buckeyes, then having that dream come true. I can't wait to see Keith representing this University on the field, because off of it, he's already shining like a star!

Peace, young brother. The sky is up there waiting for you.
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