I think the real shocker for me was the play of special teams. We didn't really get to see Huston, but we know the numbers from the kick scrimmage. Need LOTS of practice on the long snap.
Defence looked very good in places. Really liked Brandon Schnittker's running. The running game, him, Pittman, Haw, looked really good. Drop that question mark. It's solid.
The QB question remains for me. I know they played vanilla and I know it was crap weather, very cold, but none of these guys shot the lights out. Smith's second half was much more competent.
My friends, I am so sorry to have sucked up all your bandwidth but I cannot tell you, cannot describe, what this meant to me. Damn, that was just great to be able to watch the game. For a moment there, a couple of times, I was home. Nice to share that with you all.