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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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Pryor2Posey;1539580; said:
I know some people take it too far, but seriously.. I haven't heard Herby stick up for the buckeyes or big10 in quite some time. I know he's buckeye through and through, but still.. give us at least a little bit of love every once and awhile..

he is paid to be fair...... Dude Robert Smith said he had Tebow pajama's!!!!!! you have to put your job first. Sorry, i do.


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Once TP starts relying on his reads and stops making up his mind where to throw it before the play he's going to be fantastic. He just needs to gain a little more confidence in his passing skills. A win tonight, even if the defense has to make it happen, would do wonders for him.

Go Bucks! :osu:
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