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So it's your last wish.....

Rose Bowl win or a win over TSUN?

  • Rose Bowl Win

    Votes: 15 15.8%
  • Win over TSUN

    Votes: 80 84.2%

  • Total voters
8 people have picked a Rose Bowl win so far. Not going to come right out and say who voted that way but here are 8 hints...

Mililan*Bucke ye
Dee ty
b*ckeye*kic*buttoc ks
Upvote 0
BuckNutty;1598242; said:
8 people have picked a Rose Bowl win so far. Not going to come right out and say who voted that way but here are 8 hints...

Mililan*Bucke ye
Dee ty
b*ckeye*kic*buttoc ks

Scary thing is, that's the coolest thing McNeil's ever said.
Upvote 0
BuckNutty;1598242; said:
8 people have picked a Rose Bowl win so far. Not going to come right out and say who voted that way but here are 8 hints...

Mililan*Bucke ye
Dee ty
b*ckeye*kic*buttoc ks

:lol: Lying elitist pr_ick!!!11!!!!1
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I voted for a win over scUM.

After reading the dumb things being said in defense of wanting a loss to them in favor of a mere Rose Bowl win, I imagine that under certain circumstances that it is possible to want to lose to them. That being said, I still can't imagine what those circumstances would be.

Imagine that!
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With all due respect, I think this thread should be closed down.

This is Michigan Week! Why should I have to "rationalize" a loss of any kind when all we should be thinking about is giving TSUN a brutal ass whipping? Win. Win. Win.

Like Coach Bruce said, "We want to beat them every year, every year, every year. And that's what we're doing. I'm all for five in a row, six in a row, seven in a row, and I'd be fine with a couple of coaches getting fired. That wouldn't be bad either."

If we want to speculate about the importance of winning the Rose Bowl, let's do that next week. Presently, this thread is pissing me off.

The word "loss" is not in my vocabulary this week. I want a win this Saturday, and I expect nothing less. Michigan is pathetic, they deserve a beatdown, and the Buckeyes should exercise their God-given right to punch them in the face repeatedly.

If we need a Michigan Week poll, then how about: A) I expect a convincing win, decided by half-time; B) I expect the game to be somewhat close in the first half, and then the Bucks build an insurmountable lead in the third quarter; or C) The game will be closer than most people think, but the Buckeyes will still triumph.

Please. Level heads need to prevail. This poll is stupid. Stop this nonsense and let's get back to hating TSUN!!
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CalvinistBuck;1598542; said:
With all due respect, I think this thread should be closed down.

This is Michigan Week! Why should I have to "rationalize" a loss of any kind when all we should be thinking about is giving TSUN a brutal ass whipping? Win. Win. Win.

Like Coach Bruce said, "We want to beat them every year, every year, every year. And that's what we're doing. I'm all for five in a row, six in a row, seven in a row, and I'd be fine with a couple of coaches getting fired. That wouldn't be bad either."

If we want to speculate about the importance of winning the Rose Bowl, let's do that next week. Presently, this thread is pissing me off.

The word "loss" is not in my vocabulary this week. I want a win this Saturday, and I expect nothing less. Michigan is pathetic, they deserve a beatdown, and the Buckeyes should exercise their God-given right to punch them in the face repeatedly.

If we need a Michigan Week poll, then how about: A) I expect a convincing win, decided by half-time; B) I expect the game to be somewhat close in the first half, and then the Bucks build an insurmountable lead in the third quarter; or C) The game will be closer than most people think, but the Buckeyes will still triumph.

Please. Level heads need to prevail. This poll is stupid. Stop this nonsense and let's get back to hating TSUN!!

Thanks for bumping this thread. That's the best way to make it go away!

Upvote 0
With all due respect, I think this thread should be closed down.

This is Michigan Week! Why should I have to "rationalize" a loss of any kind when all we should be thinking about is giving TSUN a brutal ass whipping? Win. Win. Win.

Like Coach Bruce said, "We want to beat them every year, every year, every year. And that's what we're doing. I'm all for five in a row, six in a row, seven in a row, and I'd be fine with a couple of coaches getting fired. That wouldn't be bad either."

If we want to speculate about the importance of winning the Rose Bowl, let's do that next week. Presently, this thread is pissing me off.

The word "loss" is not in my vocabulary this week. I want a win this Saturday, and I expect nothing less. Michigan is pathetic, they deserve a beatdown, and the Buckeyes should exercise their God-given right to punch them in the face repeatedly.

If we need a Michigan Week poll, then how about: A) I expect a convincing win, decided by half-time; B) I expect the game to be somewhat close in the first half, and then the Bucks build an insurmountable lead in the third quarter; or C) The game will be closer than most people think, but the Buckeyes will still triumph.

Please. Level heads need to prevail. This poll is stupid. Stop this nonsense and let's get back to hating TSUN!!

Not that I am all that level headed, but my thoughts go in the other direction. This thread is one more chance to emphasize how important this game is. And I believe this is coming across from the strong statements 9 of 10 folks are making in support of their position that this game trumps all.
Upvote 0
Oh8ch;1599981; said:
Not that I am all that level headed, but my thoughts go in the other direction. This thread is one more chance to emphasize how important this game is. And I believe this is coming across from the strong statements 9 of 10 folks are making in support of their position that this game trumps all.

Well to be honest, if its my actual last wish (as in it will be granted and then I will die) then the Bucks are on their own. Sorry.

Last wish round up is just me, a time machine, Sophia Lauren and 2.5 minutes of unspeakable acts before I go.
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