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Slow computer, need help


Goal Goal USA!
Staff member
Former FF The Deuce Champ
OK, amazingly both my dad's laptop and his work computer have gotten slow and riddled with popup shit. he can't figure out how, but swears it's not his fault :roll2:

anyway, I want to try removing all the shit from the registry and all that before I just reformat the whole damn thing and take away his rights to download ANYTHING. I know there are some forums out there where people have you download something, run it, and post the log......then those people tell you what to get rid of.

Does anybody here know what to do in that case, or in the very least do you know of any forums. It's been so long since I was stupid enough to get that shit on my computer that I forgot where I used to go.
Actually you dont have to do the log crap. Just download spybot and run it. Is he running XP? If so, DEFINITELY get Service pack 2 installed on both those machines, or all the adware and spyware crap will come right back after removing it. You dont have to even physically get that stuff anymore, it just uses Windows flaws, and hops right onto the machine across the net. So get SP2 installed, and run spybot, then call me in the mornin :biggrin:
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You're never going to be able to remove everything that's infecting the computer. Especially if Windows isn't up to date, there's a good chance you have a rootkit in there somewhere. Rootkits are basically undetectable.

You will spend less time backing up his files and starting over, than you would trying to remove everything that's wrong with it; and even then you wouldn't actually remove everything.
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