Never Forget 31-0
Cook is not going to Oak Hill. Scout.com has issued an apology and said that the report was false. OSU was at Cook's high school last week to look over his transcripts.
Cook is not going to Oak Hill. Scout.com has issued an apology and said that the report was false. OSU was at Cook's high school last week to look over his transcripts.
Cook says he's staying at Dunbar
Internet rumor started by scout.com is wrong, player says
By Mark Gokavi
Dayton Daily News
DAYTON | Daequan Cook is staying at Dunbar, no matter what has been posted online. "No, I'm not going to another high school," he said. "That's not true. I'm staying at Dunbar."
A one-paragraph item written by scout.com's Chris Monter was posted at 6 p.m. Friday. It said Cook will "reportedly play at Mouth of Wilson (Va.) Oak Hill Academy next season."
In this age of affiliated Internet recruiting sites and message boards, the Cook item spread like wildfire.
"That's the first time I've ever heard that," said Renae Cook, Daequan's mother. "I don't know where that comes from."
Once lit, these reports are hard to douse — especially about a high-profile, 6-foot-5, nationally ranked Ohio State basketball recruit with NBA dreams. The item was picked up by other sites and was discussed on sports message sites.
On Saturday, Monter said he had a "good source" for the blurb that ran in the basketball recruiting "hot news" section.
Monday night, scout.com National Recruiting Director Dave Telep said the story was false.
"The report that appeared on our network on Friday, we verified it to be incorrect," Telep said. "We apologize if it caused anybody any inconvenience. We're taking steps to remedy the situation on our network and with the reporter who posted the story."
Dunbar coach Pete Pullen said OSU had someone at school last Thursday to go over Cook's transcript. By Monday, Cook's AAU assistant coach, Albert Powell, said he'd received a ton of questions, including those from OSU's coaching staff, about the posting.
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