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SF Jamison Battle (Toronto Raptors)

Ohio State basketball player uses Summer League to land an NBA contract

A former Ohio State basketball player used his strong performances during Summer League to get a contract from an NBA team.


The Ohio State basketball team had a bad year in 2023-24. In fact, for a large part of the year, it was worse than in 2022-23. It's a year that got Chris Holtmann fired and Jake Diebler hired. It was also the only year that Jamison Battle played with the Buckeyes.

Battle played with the Buckeyes this season after playing two years at George Washington and two years with Minnesota. He used his final year of eligibility to play for Holtmann. He finished the year by averaging 15.3 points per game on 47% shooting, 43% from three, and 93% from the free-throw line.

Despite those nice numbers, Battle went undrafted in the 2024 NBA Draft. His defense is one of the main reasons why he wasn't taken and the tape at Ohio State didn't help in that regard. Instead, he used Summer League to his advantage. Because of that, he now has an NBA contract.

Former Ohio State basketball player signs Exhibit 10 contract with the Raptors

Battle has signed an Exhibit 10 contract with the Toronto Raptors. An Exhibit 10 contract means that he will be invited to training camp and will have a chance to possibly earn a two-way contract, which would allow him to play in the G-League and get called up for NBA games as well.

A big reason why Battle was able to earn this deal is the fact that he scored 23 points across the first two games of Summer League. Toronto clearly liked what they saw. If he keeps that play up for the rest of Summer League, he has a shot to get closer to that two-way deal.

Just sayin': I had never heard of an "Exhibit 10 contract" before.

What is an Exhibit 10 contract in the NBA?​

The Exhibit 10 contract was introduced in the 2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

An Exhibit 10 contract is a one-year, minimum salary agreement that isn't guaranteed. It can also include an optional bonus of up to $75,000 that will be rewarded if a player, after he's waived, spends at least 60 days with a team's G League affiliate.

This makes the Exhibit 10 contract a helpful tool to bring in players to compete during Summer League for a roster spot on an NBA team or its G League affiliate. Each team can have up to six Exhibit 10 contracts at a time.

An Exhibit 10 contract can then be converted into a two-way contract, which would also make the bonus money guaranteed. Each team can have a maximum of three two-way contracts, and this conversion must be done prior to the start of the regular season.

If a player on an Exhibit 10 contract is kept on the 15-man roster past the start of the regular season, his contract becomes a standard minimum deal. This is the only time it'll have an impact on the team's salary cap, since Exhibit 10 and two-way contracts don't count.
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