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stugotsII;1516401; said:
God no...not done at all. I asked you to make a better one, but you failed....again.
Your backpedal is even worse than Morgan Trent's...

stugotsII;1395285; said:
I just think an OSU Iron Man would be AMAZING.
stugotsII;1516384; said:
What is creepy is the fact that he/she/it has it for their screen name.
You've been using it for months chief.
Upvote 0
Wait, what's that? You LOVED it until you accidentally insulted yourself for using it?
stugotsII;1395291; said:
jwinslow;1395288; said:


If only the Sopranos could pull something cool like that off.

It doesn't quite fit with my screen name, but that is AMAZING!
Upvote 0
jwinslow;1516426; said:
Wait, what's that? You LOVED it until you accidentally insulted yourself for using it?

Wow...are you really taking this seriously? Really?

You are actually putting some work into this aren't you? Googling pictures and looking up old posts from months and months ago.

Look at you having a big Friday!
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