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I Heart Boobs
I realize this isnt ebay or anything, but figured I would toss it on here. I dont use my laptop enough to justify having it, so I am going to sell it. It's an HP, 15.4" ultrabrite widescreen, athlon 64 3200, gig of ram, 80 gig drive. DVDRW. Windows XP Pro

Comes with a backpack carrying case, wireless logitech S510 keyboard and mouse. Only had it about 4 months.

Want to get $700 out of it, but would probably negotiate. If anybody is interested, or knows anybody who is interested, feel free to look me up.

Forgot to add one thing.

The only "problem" with this laptop is that there is a key on it that basically acts as a home key for an entire paragraph. The problem is it's location.........to the right of the spacebar. So basically while typing, it was very easy to bump that key and erase your entire paragraph. So I removed the key :biggrin:

Now of course being that the laptop comes with wireless keyboard and mouse, using the laptop keyboard really isnt necessary anyway, but I thought I better mention that.
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I realize this isnt ebay or anything, but figured I would toss it on here. I dont use my laptop enough to justify having it, so I am going to sell it. It's an HP, 15.4" ultrabrite widescreen, athlon 64 3200, gig of ram, 80 gig drive. DVDRW. Windows XP Pro

Comes with a backpack carrying case, wireless logitech S510 keyboard and mouse. Only had it about 4 months.

Want to get $700 out of it, but would probably negotiate. If anybody is interested, or knows anybody who is interested, feel free to look me up.

You willing to ship it?

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