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Scarlet or White Jersey's on Jan. 7th.

Will the Buckeyes go with the Scarlet or White Jersey's on Jan. 7th.

  • Scarlet

    Votes: 214 79.9%
  • White

    Votes: 54 20.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
COTiger;1028210; said:
Why limit it to those four or so posts? :biggrin:

IronBuckI;1028212; said:
Because noboady really knows what the hell Big Papa is thinking...not even DBB...so he couldn't speak for his post. :biggrin:

Well, there's that...

Or you could just say that those four (or so) posts were not MEANT seriously. Whether one takes anything else here seriously is a matter of personal choice.
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What Ohio State fan said that he wants to see his Buckeyes wear black jerseys? WTF? This is Ohio State we are talking about here. Ohio State has one of the greatest football traditions in history, something that all Americans can be proud of. To see Ohio State wear black jerseys would be sickening. It would be like seeing Notre Dame or Alabama come out in black jerseys.

I would like to see Ohio State come out in "throw back" jerseys, like someone on here suggested, the same uniforms worn by the 67 - 68 NC Buckeye team. Washington did that same thing this year. In their 5th game of the season, the Huskies were coming off two straight losses to Ohio State and UCLA. They played #1 USC at home and they came out in "throw back" jerseys (see pic below) -- the dark jerseys and plain, gold helmets of the 1960 team which beat #1 Minnesota in the Rose Bowl, still the only time Washington has beaten a #1-ranked opponent. I thought it was awesome, and they almost won that game. The game went down to the wire, with the Huskies blocking a punt, scoring a TD, and USC only holding on to win 27-24 after they recovered the onside kick. "Oh, it was a terrible night. Horrible night," USC coach Pete Carroll said. "We were very fortunate," the coach added. "I'm so grateful to have this win," Carroll said.

As for LSU, it's not like we never wear purple. We've had some of our greatest games in history wearing our purple home jerseys. For example, everybody at LSU knows about the '88 Earthquake game against Auburn. We wore purple in that game.

This season, I know we wore the regular purple jerseys at home against Middle Tennessee State (we won 44-0), and Louisiana Tech (we won 58-10). We also wore the purple jerseys on the road at Miss State (we won 45-0). As for the white jerseys, we wore those during our only two losses this season. Generally, we only wear our white jerseys at home for the season opener and for home games against SEC opponents. But we still wear our purple jerseys. In fact, I've noticed that when my fellow LSU fans wear an LSU jersey in support of our team, they tend to pick the purple one. Color is more fun than no color.


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JohnLSU;1028237; said:
What Ohio State fan said that he wants to see his Buckeyes wear black jerseys? WTF? This is Ohio State we are talking about here. Ohio State has one of the greatest football traditions in history, something that all Americans can be proud of. To see Ohio State wear black jerseys would be sickening. It would be like seeing Notre Dame or Alabama come out in black jerseys.

The black jersey thing was a joke... last year when Ohio State modified their home jerseys (stripes on the sleeves) some younger Buckeye fans thought it would be cool to have black jerseys... obviously they were ridiculed as only BP can do. :biggrin:
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IronBuckI;1028251; said:
BP hated the black jerseys idea so much that we kicked the guy that jwins used as a model for his black jersey designs all the way to Jackson State. :biggrin:
:lol: Poor kid
Updated it with new unis + black. They actually look pretty decent, but aren't on the same level as the regulars.

Note: I view these #'s as a shiny light gray, like the helmets. I still would like to see our current unis with light gray numnbers, hard to demonstrate/simulate without the 3d shine effect.

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