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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)

I agree with your logic more then BuckeyeBoy's though, i think you need to go reread the comments you made about Bush and reread what you've said in this threat, especially when the hold out was believed to be about money.

See my previous post--you'll see that it's you who needs to reread the comments I made about Bush. I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm just saying that the two situations are different IMO, and they have been from the beginning.
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Day Six Notes: Youboty Keeping Whitner Informed
by Chris Brown, Lead Journalist Last Updated: 8/2/2006 2:28 PM ET

As the days roll by at Bills training camp without Donte Whitner, the Bills top pick is doing what he can to stay up to speed on what's being installed in Buffalo's defense. How is he doing it? By staying in contact with a former college teammate.

"He calls me every night to see what we have installed," said Bills third round pick Ashton Youboty. "He asked me what we've done and what we've been missing and I just tell him."

Youboty and Whitner played in the same secondary for the past three seasons at Ohio State, but they've yet to take the field together in pads as Buffalo Bills. Youboty who has been sidelined by a strained hamstring since last Saturday knows the time Whitner is missing is important.

"It's huge," said Youboty. "He understands that. I can't really speak for the man. He feels he needs to be here but he feels he's doing what's right for him and I believe he'll make the right decision whenever it comes."

Whitner has always been described as a player with such keen football smarts that he plays the game like a veteran. He will have some significant catching up to do in a system that asks a lot mentally of the strong safety.

"He's a fast learner," said Youboty. "But it's a lot to learn so it will take time for him to catch up."

So what have been Youboty's words of advice to his fellow rookie?

"I tell him to get his butt up here," said Youboty of his conversations with Whitner. "He's a man and he'll make his own decisions and I know he'll make the right one."

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Reggie was #2 wanting #1 money.
Donte was #8 wanting #7 money.

looks pretty different :roll2:

Reggie should have been the #1 pick over Mario.
Donte was a huge surprise to go #8 whereas many expected huff to go early.

It's a business. You seem to be able to give Donte a break, despite the fact that he could be pivotal in the bils defense this year. Why can't you do the same for Reggie, who isn't holding out anymore... unlike Donte?

Should, coulda, woulda went #1 means jack in this world. Its tradition that the #1 pick gets the most money - hes number 1. Number 2 should get less money, hes not number 1. Tough shit he went number two, take the money and be happy that you are better than the rest of the drafts following behind you. Thats the hard part of the draft thats LOOONG been known - longer you wait, the less you get. Sorry Reggie, you arent number two, the Texans obviously think you should be number two. Be happy you will get the most money of any runningback in this draft class.

Whitner I think is being cheated because he wasnt the best Safety taken, whereas Bush was the top Runningback taken in the draft. He doesnt want more money because of his draft position, he wants more money because he feels like he is being treated second rate. From what i gather, he just wants a rivaling contract, not a bigger one because he thinks he "should have" been #8. Hes not bummed that he went 8th, he just wants to be graded on his top10 position, not being the 2nd best safety.

I dont know how well I did explaining that, but oh well, I tried.:)

Bush wants more because he feels he should have been #1
Whitner wants more because he is a top10 draft, not a second rate safety.
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Maybe it's not about contract length after all:


Bills, first-round pick Whitner $1.1 million apart on contract
By JOHN WAWROW, Associated Press
Last updated: 3:46 p.m., Wednesday, August 2, 2006
PITTSFORD, N.Y. -- Rookie safety Donte Whitner and the Buffalo Bills are $1.1 million apart in negotiations to sign the No. 8 draft pick, The Associated Press learned Wednesday.
The Bills' last offer to the player included $12.9 million guaranteed on a five-year deal, while Whitner is seeking closer to $14 million, a person familiar with the negotiations told The AP. The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because talks are ongoing.
Whitner, who has missed six days of training camp, is unhappy with the offer because it's less than the $15 million guaranteed safety Michael Huff -- the No. 7 pick -- received as part of a five-year deal with Oakland last week, the person said.
The No. 9 pick, linebacker Ernie Sims, received $12.1 million guaranteed in a five-year contract with Detroit.
Whitner is seeking a deal that's closer to Huff's because both play the same position.
Whitner, out of Ohio State, is the highest player selected in the draft last April who remains unsigned, and is one of only four first-rounders not under contract.
Whitner's agent, Jonathan Hurst, has declined to comment on negotiations.
Bills general manager Marv Levy said talks are continuing but would not comment on the terms being offered.
Levy said he spoke with Whitner on Tuesday, informing the player that he's losing valuable time to compete for a starting job.
"I told him about the importance of being here and that it's a keen competition, and wanted him to be aware that he's falling behind," Levy said.
Levy said Monday he told Hurst that the Bills are prepared to move on without Whitner.
Whitner, who is working out at Ohio State, has missed nine practices since the Bills opened camp Friday in suburban Rochester. On Monday, Whitner expressed hope, saying, "It won't be long," before a deal is completed, while noting that he is studying the Bills playbook.
Whitner's development has already been delayed because he missed all but two of Buffalo's spring minicamps because of Ohio State's relatively late exam schedule
The Bills had projected Whitner to be an opening day starter when they drafted him in April. A hard-hitting player, and strong in run support, he finished third among the Buckeyes with 73 tackles and added four sacks and two interceptions as a junior last season.
Bills defensive coordinator Perry Fewell is worried about how much time Whitner has lost in learning the defense and bonding with his teammates. "It hurts," Fewell said. "You can't get better being a football player if you don't get the reps. He's missing valuable time and it's really sad because he can be a good addition to our team." Six-year veteran Matt Bowen, signed by the Bills in March, has been starting in Whitner's place during training camp.


My solution: (12.1 + 15) / 2 = 13.55. There's your bonus, now let's get to camp. It's not about on-field position, it's about draft position.
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get to fucking camp
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I'll bet if the Bills were to offer the 50-50 split ($13.55 mil) that Donte would sign.

It's easy for all of us to say "sign the contract," but seriously - if you thought there was another $1 million available, would you really leave it on the table? I doubt I would.
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Would I leave $1 million on the table? Hard to say really, 'cause I've never been there. But I really do think I'd leave $1million on the table for $12 million guaranteed. Donte has his own deal to strike, but his hold out has the potential to hurt future OSU draftees and future Glenville draftees. Donte needs to remember what Tressel taught--that it's not all about the ball--and in the NFL, it's not all about the $$ (or, he needs to fire his agent--I'll handle this for a mere 1%). I repeat what I said four days ago:

This is not good for Donte. As Marv Levy said, the young man's opportunity to earn the starting position are diminishing swiftly. Further, many Bills fans are already wondering if they overreached by selecting him as the eighth pick in the draft. Is he really worth all this? Let's hope this wraps up soon, so Donte can begin demonstrating his worth (and earning those nickels and dimes) on the field.
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Fuck the Bills...Whitner is not the one being unreasonable. Huff gets $15 while Sims get $12.1, which means the Bills want to pay Donte $2.1 million less than Huff and only $800,000 more than Sims. When you're the player picked right after Player A and play the same position, you should expect to get a contact closer in value to Player A than to Player B who was picked after you and plays a different position. Someone said split the difference and make it $13.55M...I say it should be at least $13.8 which would be closer to Huff than to Sims.
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It's easy for all of us to say "sign the contract," but seriously - if you thought there was another $1 million available, would you really leave it on the table? I doubt I would.

Because $1Mill is a tremendous amount of money to us working stiffs. but a diff of $1Mill is only about 7% raise over what he has been offered.

holding out for an extra $million (over 5 years) can cause more damage than it is worth in the long run...
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Should, coulda, woulda went #1 means jack in this world. Its tradition that the #1 pick gets the most money - hes number 1. Number 2 should get less money, hes not number 1. Tough shit he went number two, take the money and be happy that you are better than the rest of the drafts following behind you. Thats the hard part of the draft thats LOOONG been known - longer you wait, the less you get. Sorry Reggie, you arent number two, the Texans obviously think you should be number two. Be happy you will get the most money of any runningback in this draft class.

Whitner I think is being cheated because he wasnt the best Safety taken, whereas Bush was the top Runningback taken in the draft. He doesnt want more money because of his draft position, he wants more money because he feels like he is being treated second rate. From what i gather, he just wants a rivaling contract, not a bigger one because he thinks he "should have" been #8. Hes not bummed that he went 8th, he just wants to be graded on his top10 position, not being the 2nd best safety.

I dont know how well I did explaining that, but oh well, I tried.:)

Bush wants more because he feels he should have been #1
Whitner wants more because he is a top10 draft, not a second rate safety.

The distinction is not so great as to warrant the difference in treatment of Bush versus Whitner. I must wonder whether you'd even make such a distinction if we were just speaking theoretically (ie, five months ago before these contract disputes happened).

The latest Bills offer is higher than the #9 picks offer, so I don't see what you mean by "Whitner wants more because he is a top10 draft, not a second rate safety".

My opinion? People really trash athletes who have contracts but holdout because they're unhappy (TO). Thus, it doesn't make much sense to pressure a kid for not signing a contract he isn't happy with. It doesn't make sense to trash him for trying to get the contract that will make him happy.

People are put-off by these athletes who are making millions yet trying to get more, but the organizations who have even more money and earning potential usually get a pass. I guess people ignore the reality that these clubs are trying to scrape as much as the players are.
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