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S Donte Whitner (Official Thread)



Miss No. 2
Donte Whitner? Now the Ohio State safety may turn into a good player for Buffalo. But in the eighth slot? The Bills could have traded down at least to No. 14 with the Eagles (who got Brodrick Bunkley there anyway) and still tabbed Whitner (see Miss No. 3).

Not everyone is on board with the pick for the Bills. Lets hope that Whitner proves them wrong. :biggrin:
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There's no way he would've lasted past pick 12. The Ravens were going to take him if he was still on the board. There's also a strong chance Detroit would've taken him. Donte was my favorite defensive player last year(even ahead of Hawk) and I wish him the best. Good luck, Donte!
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Polian liked Whitner: The Bills use of the No. 8 overall pick on Ohio State strong safety Donte Whitner instead of USC quarterback Matt Leinart drew outrage in some circles, but Indianapolis Colts president Bill Polian applauded the move.
Marv Levy used six picks on defensive players to play the same scheme used by the Colts under Tony Dungy.

"I know (Levy's being criticized) but the guy they took was the No. 1 guy on our board," said Polian, the Bills ex-GM. "I didn't study Leinart enough to give you an informed opinion because the last time I checked we had a quarterback (All-Pro Peyton Manning).

"But that kid's a great defensive football player. I'd be shocked if he doesn't turn out to be a great player."

The Colts had the 30th pick and knew Whitner wouldn't slip to them, Polian said.
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It seems that some of the people who were critizing the Bills for taking Whitner at #8 are now coming around to the fact he is a talented player and not Ryan Leaf. You have to give the Bills credit for going after the player they wanted and not worrying about when they selected him.

I have always thought that Whitner was a great player but was overshadowed by our linebackers and what they did.
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It seems that some of the people who were critizing the Bills for taking Whitner at #8 are now coming around to the fact he is a talented player and not Ryan Leaf. You have to give the Bills credit for going after the player they wanted and not worrying about when they selected him.

I have always thought that Whitner was a great player but was overshadowed by our linebackers and what they did.

Similiar to the Bengals picking Levi Jones several years ago. They were critisized for the pick, but now they have a pro bowl caliber left tackle.
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Handful of Vets Excused for Day One of Minicamp
by Chris Brown, Lead Journalist Last Updated: 6/12/2006 2:37 PM ET


Lee Evans, London Fletcher, Jeff Posey, Takeo Spikes and Troy Vincent were all excused from the first day of Buffalo's mandatory minicamp Monday for an unfortunate reason.
"There were a group of players that were excused to go to the funeral of London Fletcher's mother," said head coach Dick Jauron. "Our thoughts are with Fletcher and his family at this time."
Jauron anticipates that all of the veterans will be available for work Tuesday, but will give Fletcher the time he needs to grieve.
"We'll just wait and see how he feels and what he wants to do," said Jauron.
Whitner and Youboty back
With the Ohio State final exam schedule finally complete Bills' rookie defensive backs Donte Whitner and Ashton Youboty were back in Buffalo for this week's minicamp.
League rules prohibit draft picks from participating in any organized practice sessions with their NFL club until their college's final exam schedule is complete. Ohio State's schedule wrapped up June 8.
Whitner and Youboty haven't practiced with the Bills since the minicamp the weekend after the NFL Draft.
"They'll be behind," said Jauron of his two rookie defensive backs. "There's no way around that, but they're both very conscientious guys."
Whitner made sure he didn't waste any time.
"I got in here on Friday and started studying all the blitz packages over the weekend so I feel I'm very caught up," said Whitner.
Youboty who was still enrolled taking classes was also at ease with his knowledge of the system and what was going on.
"I just worked on my footwork more than anything else while I was in Columbus and worked out," said Youboty.
Bills sixth-round pick Keith Ellison was not in attendance as the Oregon State final exam schedule won't be completed until June 16, four days after the last minicamp practice before training camp.
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You all know tOSU D-Backs tend to be pretty safe bets. I think anyone that's going to be criticizing these draft picks and look at the picks they have praised that turned out to be major busts. Do you remember when the Colts took Edge over Rickey. I guess that worked out pretty well. Everyone criticized that pick.
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