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Rub the Puppy's nose in the poo and he will find the newspaper

ISwallow;1019887; said:
Guys...I came in here and made a very reasonable football post. Said nothing bad at all. In return, I get called a "dip shit" and get my name LSUTIGERS changed to "Iswallow", hahah. that was a good one by the way, but I did NOTHING! Except make a logical post about the game!

What, in the world, made you think that no one would be offended by you calling us the "suckeyes?" Give me a break, you HAD to know that wouldn't fly.

The thing is, some of your fans have been some of the most reasonable people I have ever seen. This is a Buckeye homer board, like it or not, you didn't have to come here. We welcome other teams fans, but most of us have been tOSU fans our ENTIRE lives, if not alumni.

Also, you're talking about a forum who's had many threads about how LSU got screwed by USC, and now you come here and feel you can take a cheap shot? Give me a break, you also haven't exactly played your way out of this, you've turned from a "douchebag" into a "total fucking douchebag, if I was an LSU fan I would be slapping my forehead hoping this guy would stop"

There's lots of boards you can go talk smack on us, the ESPN forums for example, you can go there and call us whatever you want, here, however, not gonna happen.
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Sure, I expect to get slapped around a little bit. I get it. But by saying "I don't see it happening for you guys". Come on fellas, that's pretty tame!!!! You gus can surely handle that. And yes, there are plent of Buckeye fans on the LSU boards, saying things that are way worse....not that you care, but this was my post....Oh, and I really do fine the Iswallow funny. That was good.

Hope You Guys Are Ready!
Man, the game is still over a month away and the LSU message boards are blowing up, as are the OSU message boards I'm sure. It's going to be fun!

As for the game, I just don't see it happening for you guys. Am I bias, of course, but I'm also sensable. It's been a crazy season, and anything can happen. but I don't think LSU loses this game. I'll be the first to admit we "squeaked" out some wins this season. Heck, we even struggled a bit against Tulane. But, I think the time off is really going to benefit us. The team is just exhausted. It was a pretty brutal schedule, with 2 triple overtime games. With the time off, we'll get healthy again, and guys, all I can say is watch out!! Glenn Dorsey will be 100%, as should most of the other players (Keiland Williams) who were banged up a bit. I don't say that to be cocky at all. I say that as a fan of football, and watching LSU week in and week out. And when we were healthy towards the beginning of the year, we were very strong.

I certainly think location of the game plays a huge factor. To me, almost an unfair factor, but that's just the way it goes. It will almost be like a home game for us.

But who knows?!?! It's been a crazy season, and anything can happen.

OSU fans....watch for some of these players: running back Jacob Hester. This kid is a d$mn truck! Doesn't look like a big strong guy, but wow, he'll run people over. Glenn Dorsey...SEC Defensive Player of the Year/Nagurski winner, nuff said. Running back Keiland Williams...relieves Hester, and there is zero drop off. Strong, fast, and physical. WR Trindon Holliday...Speed kills! Can run like nobodys business!! SUPER fast. Will return kickoffs as well. Linebacker Ali Highsmith...Nephew of former NFL player Alonzo...Fast! Kid flys around the field and can hit. Safety Craig Steltz...6 interceptions on the season. Hits like a truck.

Ok, enough. Just thought I'd give you guys a few players to watch for. Of course there are more, and yes, I KNOW you guys have tremendous athletes as well, I know!!!! You're Ohio State for cryin' out loud!

Should be a great game, good luck to you guys!
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BuckeyeNation27;1019836; said:
the word is "biased", dipshit. You aren't bias, you're biased.
After hearing, "bye, ass," enough times, one is bound to become confused.

Anyway, plenty of great LSU fans around here and we know it, so don't worry about your image, folks.
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ISwallow;1019908; said:
Sure, I expect to get slapped around a little bit. I get it. But by saying "I don't see it happening for you guys". Come on fellas, that's pretty tame!!!! You gus can surely handle that. And yes, there are plent of Buckeye fans on the LSU boards, saying things that are way worse....not that you care, but this was my post....Oh, and I really do fine the Iswallow funny. That was good.

Hope You Guys Are Ready!
Man, the game is still over a month away and the LSU message boards are blowing up, as are the OSU message boards I'm sure. It's going to be fun!

As for the game, I just don't see it happening for you guys. Am I bias, of course, but I'm also sensable. It's been a crazy season, and anything can happen. but I don't think LSU loses this game. I'll be the first to admit we "squeaked" out some wins this season. Heck, we even struggled a bit against Tulane. But, I think the time off is really going to benefit us. The team is just exhausted. It was a pretty brutal schedule, with 2 triple overtime games. With the time off, we'll get healthy again, and guys, all I can say is watch out!! Glenn Dorsey will be 100%, as should most of the other players (Keiland Williams) who were banged up a bit. I don't say that to be cocky at all. I say that as a fan of football, and watching LSU week in and week out. And when we were healthy towards the beginning of the year, we were very strong.

I certainly think location of the game plays a huge factor. To me, almost an unfair factor, but that's just the way it goes. It will almost be like a home game for us.

But who knows?!?! It's been a crazy season, and anything can happen.

OSU fans....watch for some of these players: running back Jacob Hester. This kid is a d truck! Doesn't look like a big strong guy, but wow, he'll run people over. Glenn Dorsey...SEC Defensive Player of the Year/Nagurski winner, nuff said. Running back Keiland Williams...relieves Hester, and there is zero drop off. Strong, fast, and physical. WR Trindon Holliday...Speed kills! Can run like nobodys business!! SUPER fast. Will return kickoffs as well. Linebacker Ali Highsmith...Nephew of former NFL player Alonzo...Fast! Kid flys around the field and can hit. Safety Craig Steltz...6 interceptions on the season. Hits like a truck.

Ok, enough. Just thought I'd give you guys a few players to watch for. Of course there are more, and yes, I KNOW you guys have tremendous athletes as well, I know!!!! You're Ohio State for cryin' out loud!

Should be a great game, good luck to you guys!
I haven't read all your posts, so I can't speak for the others, but if grad says you bashed tOSU players, coaches and the program I'm inclined to agree. Plus, it's hard to keep all the threads and posters straight when people keep changing names and merging threads.
maybe you are a douchelozzle, after all.
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ISwallow;1019908; said:
Sure, I expect to get slapped around a little bit. I get it. But by saying "I don't see it happening for you guys". Come on fellas, that's pretty tame!!!!
Yeah, that was the precipitative cause - right :shake:
Do you really think we can't tell what has happened here?

Your total number of posts is larger than the number that show on a search.

Either they were deleted by you, or by an admin / mod. As for why that would be, well grad21's answer seems pretty clear to me. Why don't you grasp it and move on from this false defense you are putting up?
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This isn't a smack board. Your own fans are calling out your trolling. Shape up, or take it to one of the many immature boards on the internet.
Sure, I expect to get slapped around a little bit. I get it. But by saying "I don't see it happening for you guys". Come on fellas, that's pretty tame!!!!
Actually it's called lying.
Get ready for another beating!!
Sorry Suckeyes, you lose!!
There are plenty of others. Shape up, or find a smack board.
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ISwallow;1019908; said:
Sure, I expect to get slapped around a little bit. I get it. But by saying "I don't see it happening for you guys". Come on fellas, that's pretty tame!!!!

One more time, you made your bed earlier this week when you came in flaming...you are now reaping the rewards of that idiotic decision. In fact, your tune changed quickly once you found out how we deal with idiotic flamers...

Don't try to play the victim now. Act right and you will be fine, mess around and your picture will be every impotence support group website we can find. (I'm sure the old guys like BB73, OH8CH, and Best Buckeye can recommend a few).
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ISwallow;1019908; said:
Sure, I expect to get slapped around a little bit. I get it. But by saying "I don't see it happening for you guys". Come on fellas, that's pretty tame!!!! You gus can surely handle that. And yes, there are plent of Buckeye fans on the LSU boards, saying things that are way worse....not that you care, but this was my post....Oh, and I really do fine the Iswallow funny. That was good.

Hope You Guys Are Ready!
Man, the game is still over a month away and the LSU message boards are blowing up, as are the OSU message boards I'm sure. It's going to be fun!

As for the game, I just don't see it happening for you guys. Am I bias, of course, but I'm also sensable. It's been a crazy season, and anything can happen. but I don't think LSU loses this game. I'll be the first to admit we "squeaked" out some wins this season. Heck, we even struggled a bit against Tulane. But, I think the time off is really going to benefit us. The team is just exhausted. It was a pretty brutal schedule, with 2 triple overtime games. With the time off, we'll get healthy again, and guys, all I can say is watch out!! Glenn Dorsey will be 100%, as should most of the other players (Keiland Williams) who were banged up a bit. I don't say that to be cocky at all. I say that as a fan of football, and watching LSU week in and week out. And when we were healthy towards the beginning of the year, we were very strong.

I certainly think location of the game plays a huge factor. To me, almost an unfair factor, but that's just the way it goes. It will almost be like a home game for us.

But who knows?!?! It's been a crazy season, and anything can happen.

OSU fans....watch for some of these players: running back Jacob Hester. This kid is a d truck! Doesn't look like a big strong guy, but wow, he'll run people over. Glenn Dorsey...SEC Defensive Player of the Year/Nagurski winner, nuff said. Running back Keiland Williams...relieves Hester, and there is zero drop off. Strong, fast, and physical. WR Trindon Holliday...Speed kills! Can run like nobodys business!! SUPER fast. Will return kickoffs as well. Linebacker Ali Highsmith...Nephew of former NFL player Alonzo...Fast! Kid flys around the field and can hit. Safety Craig Steltz...6 interceptions on the season. Hits like a truck.

Ok, enough. Just thought I'd give you guys a few players to watch for. Of course there are more, and yes, I KNOW you guys have tremendous athletes as well, I know!!!! You're Ohio State for cryin' out loud!

Should be a great game, good luck to you guys!

And if you are goning to continue to post on here ISwallow, try to use the quote() button. So when you try to look intellegent by reposting your previous posts we don't have to read them twice.
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I actually appreciated your "Hope you guys are ready" post. It was emotional, but still fair. But, your "Suckeyes! You lose" type posts are just asking for us to drive you away. You seem to know a thing or two about football, but you also seem to enjoy being dumped on (should this be moved to the romper room?). Why else would a visiting fan come here and talk disrespectful smack within his first 10 posts? Stupid.
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osugrad21;1019896; said:
I just robbed the local 7-11, but if I go back in and pay for a Slim Jim, you think they say we are still cool?


Oh Yeaahhh!!!
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