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Replay: tOSU Football Games

I found mine in the 600s as well (forget which exact station). I watched the Illinois game yesterday while flipping from the commercial breaks for the OSU / Florida b-ball game.

I also have found the (non nationally televised) OSU basketball games up there as well, although it's rare that they label them correctly. Or when it does say "OSU Basketball" I'm sometimes blocked out, so I have to flip around to another station to find it (often when it claims to be airing something else).

Basically, I think I've always found at least one station in the 600s with the Buckeye programs on it, but you just have to hunt a little.
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I have just basic cable and did exactly what Padraig did yesterday. However FSN's info about what they were going to show was completley off. They did they're crappy BCS preview show with Gary Barnett right before the Illinois game and the info said they were really showing something completley different.
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