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Replacing LCD Screen on Laptop


I want to ride my bicycle.
Ok, so my boss dropped his laptop (a Dell Inspiron 600m) and cracked the screen. I've ordered a new one which should be here by the end of the week. Has anyone ever replaced one of these? I don't imagine it could be too hard, but I've never taken apart a laptop case. Are there any tricks that I should know or anything I should watch out for?

Ok, so my boss dropped his laptop (a Dell Inspiron 600m) and cracked the screen. I've ordered a new one which should be here by the end of the week. Has anyone ever replaced one of these? I don't imagine it could be too hard, but I've never taken apart a laptop case. Are there any tricks that I should know or anything I should watch out for?

It's real easy if you use a hammer. I'd go with a 16 ounce, it's easier to swing.
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Ok, so my boss dropped his laptop (a Dell Inspiron 600m) and cracked the screen. I've ordered a new one which should be here by the end of the week. Has anyone ever replaced one of these? I don't imagine it could be too hard, but I've never taken apart a laptop case. Are there any tricks that I should know or anything I should watch out for?


put a towel on the desk and set the laptop on the towel, it will help prevent it from sliding around when you are working. its pretty simple to replace
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Thanks. I'm glad to hear it won't be too difficult. I'm just afraid that, knowing me, I'll crack the plastic on the front frame thingie while trying to remove it.

In any event, I'll be sure to have a variety of hammers available, just in case. :)
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You were right. It was pretty simple. Except for the fact that the cocksuckers at dell thought it would be a pretty funny trick to make all of the screws phillips, except for the two out of twelve that required the torx screwdriver (you, know, the obnoxious six pointed star thing-a-ma-jig...) ugh... one trip to lowe's later, I was all set...

Kinda like a locking lug nut, I guess. Irritating as all hell if you don't have the right tool.

Oh, and the hammers proved to be unnecessary.
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So I've not got screen issues on my 2 year old Dell laptop. Apparently the LCD screen has gone bad. Where can I get a replacement and directions on how to replace it? Piece of shit....! :mad2:

Peaches report is promising at least!

Well, it was easy to replace, but not cheap... I'll have to check tomorrow on the cost, but it was around $400.00. Of course, that was because it was dropped and not defective, so the warranty didn't cover it, but if you're past your warranty period...

I'll send you the info from work tomorrow.
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Hah, good ol' Dell.

Well you can go through Dell and get raped, unless it's under warranty. Actually you will probably get raped no matter what.


Have dealt with them before, but basically if you google search on "replacement laptop screen" or something to that effect, you'll get a good idea. Expect to pay $300 or so. Replacing them isnt hard, but if you are not comfortable with fixing electronic stuff, I would highly recommend havin someone else do it for you. Basically though, it's just removing around a dozen screws, undoing a plug, then the screen comes right off, put the other one in it's place, plug it in, put screws back in.
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Where can I get a replacement and directions on how to replace it?

Go to Dell's support page and enter the model number of the latop. Go to "documentation" and select the service manual. You'll find an illustrated walk through for your model.

HP makes real good stuff though.
They hit the break fix que at about a 40% higher rate than the Dells we own...but hey don't let that cloud your judgement.
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Have had the exact opposite experience. Have personally owned 2 Dell laptops, and had nothing but problems. Also have worked on more Dells than any other machine as far as other people's stuff goes as well.

We deploy over 1K new machines each month and provide support for more than 50K. I'm pretty confident with that sample size.

PS - Sorry about the snippyness...must have been that time of the month!
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