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Removing Xp to go back to 98


Resident Science Dork
I've got an old Toshiba laptop I am trying to restore to it's original 98 glory, but I can't seem to shake XP from the system. It only has a 4 Gb HD, so there's no room for both operating systems on the machine.

I've tried everything I can think of, any ideas?
fdisk, remove the partition, and create a new one.

Would you mind giving specifics? I tried the fdisk code and it said the command was invalid.

Well, if format doesn't work and you really need/want to get rid of XP, try DBAN: http://dban.sourceforge.net/
It'll rewrite your disk to random 0's and 1's. I'd say that'll take care of any "problem" you have removing XP.

Thanks Hodge. If all else fails, I'll try this because until I remove XP, I've got no room on the HD for any other programs.
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^ The link is very long and drawn out on the details of fdisk and format.

Basically you should just be able to run "fdisk" off your win98 boot floppy. It should ask you about large disk support, and you'll say yes. Then you probably need to delete all the partitions you see and create one large fat32 partition.

(I still think you can just "format c: /s" even if it's NTFS, I haven't done it for a while though, so I'm not sure.)
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