Mirror Guy
In marketing class a while back my prof said that the number of people who send in the rebates is really low like 1-10%. If you go to ecost or tirgerdirect they advertise that you can buy something for $29 after the rebate, but you have to pay $79 right now. Most people don't even pay attention to the actual price.BuckeyeSkins said:Speaking strictly for myself, I have never understood why stores, companies, etc., almost always offer the so-called "mail-in rebate". And as has already been stated they always say allow 8 weeks to receive the check. Why can't they just tack the rebate on to the product right there in the store when I pay for it? They want my money up front and then expect me to wait 8 weeks (if your lucky) to get a check back from them. I don't get excited about the things myself and would have to say that rarely do I ever buy something that falls into that category. Now if it's something I need and they have an instant rebate, I'll go for that. You want your money for your product up front? I want my money from the rebate up front.