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RB Trey Sermon (2020 B1G CCG MVP, Indianapolis Colts)

Buckeye Heroes: Trey Sermon was massive in two of Ohio State’s biggest games in 2020​

After transferring from Oklahoma, Sermon made his mark in his only season at Ohio State


Unfortunately for Sermon and the Buckeyes, it would come crashing back to earth against Alabama. On the first play of the game, Sermon was injured and lost for the rest of the game. Even if Sermon had been healthy, it likely wouldn’t have mattered, since Ohio State had no answer for DeVonta Smith, who finished with 12 catches for 215 yards and three touchdowns in the 52-24 win for the Crimson Tide.

Just sayin': Still, it was really a bummer, him getting injured on the 1st play of the game against Alabama.
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