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RB Maurice Clarett (B1G Freshman of the Year, National Champion)

Yes - I guess even a well written article has to abuse at least one uninformed cliche.
I saw that as one of the reasons for thinking it was well written: using the tired cliche and hyperbole in the first sentence which sets up the second.

No matter what Ohio State did or didn't do, Clarett made his own adult choices, which was the point of the article.
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MichiganZone fark #1:


And my favorite, MichiganZone fark #2 of Tressel sportin' his new vest for 2006:


"Ever since he won the National Title he has been bullet proof."
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IT's unbelievable how many people and writers commiserate with Clarett. It almost seems as though tOSU brought him down and ruined him. I got tired of reading all the crap. But I do agree he is mental and needs help.

Good Luck Maurice, I hope you get straightened out and be happy

:oh: :io:
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I blame the people around him who influenced him... the greedy bastards who convinced him to challenge the NFL.. especially that bastard attorney that I'm sure has left him high and dry... and his family and family friends...

with a trustworthy support circle.. this kid plays 2 more years... bags a Heisman or two and at least one more NC ring... goes in the first round... and collects a $10M signing bonus... and has the world by the ass...

now, we'll see him next when he's 45 and 300 lbs coming out of Lucasville... outrageous waste of talent...
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I blame the people around him who influenced him... the greedy bastards who convinced him to challenge the NFL.. especially that bastard attorney that I'm sure has left him high and dry... and his family and family friends...

with a trustworthy support circle.. this kid plays 2 more years... bags a Heisman or two and at least one more NC ring... goes in the first round... and collects a $10M signing bonus... and has the world by the ass...

now, we'll see him next when he's 45 and 300 lbs coming out of Lucasville... outrageous waste of talent...

I agree about the waste of talent part, but Maurice is approaching his mid-twenties and has had numerous positive people reach out to him over the last 3 years and he didn't accept their help or take their advice. He had a sense that he was entitled to riches. He had natural talent that allowed him always be a step ahead of competition at his level. That god given talent made him lazy and he finally reached the level where the only thing that would make him successfull was hard work, and he just wasn't willing to put it in. He dug a hole that was so deep that he spent the rest of his years looking for the easy way out.
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NJB brings up some great points, while those that say he dug his own hole are also correct. "How can that be?", you may ask. When Clarett first arrived at Ohio State, he was still barely 18 and, as we have discovered, very naive (as many 18-year-olds are), from a tough background. Many either pointed him--or in the case of his Mom, allowed him to be pointed--in the wrong direction. When many around you are saying the world is wrong and you are right, chances are good you'll start believing them. However, some people don't realize mistakes and continue down the wrong path once they set foot on it. You would think (or hope) that Clarett would've learned from his arrest for the false police report...he obvously didn't, and his actions from that point onward are totally on him. While it's very reasonable to think that his decision to challenge the NFL draft rules was actually pushed by his Mom and/or "legal advice", his criminal actions are no one's fault other than his own. Had he had better guidance early on, it's very unlikely any of this would've happened. But, there's a point where you make your own bed, and Clarett has just shit all over his...
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The only person to blame for Mo's problems is Mo. I could accept the "support circle" arguement if his life had spiraled out of control to this point two years ago, but that argument became bunk the day he was drafted by the Broncos in the third round. Anyway you slice it, Maurice was handed second chances and still somehow got to the NFL. His incentive laden contract wasn't even enough to motivate him to perform, and that was his choosing.

Shanahan and the Denver organization went out of their way to support Clarett. Shanahan sent out the memo on how to handle Clarett even before the draft in April. Ron Dayne tried to take him under his wing, as did others. Clarett was treated with kid gloves, and never once was subject to the rookie hazing everybody else had to endue. Everybody went out of their way to make him feel welcome, and Clarett wanted nothing to do with it.
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For whatever reason, Clarett seems to have come from a background where he associated with the wrong kids. Ohio State was a chance to change all that but the people he looked up to, primarily his mother, kept pushing him to go after the bucks and driving him away from the Bucks.

I can't imagine the personal torment this guy wakes up to every day when he considers the life that might have been and the life that now will surely be. That is an incredibly sad thing.

But I do not feel sorry for Clarett. He is beginning to get what he deserves.
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I don't care for Shanahan, but when he said that several veteran players reached out to MoC and he REFUSED that help, that resonated with me. Lots of people, not the least of which were his Denver teammates and Coach Tressel even after everything, have tried to reach out to him. The fact that he brazenly refused that help is totally on him. He had no desire to be changed, so he wasn't...that's his fault, end of story.
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After dropping out of school, he unsuccessfully challenged the NFL's draft eligibility rule in 2004.

Golf clap here. Finally a story from ESPN or countless other sources . . . . That gets it right. He dropped out. Wasn't forced out, kicked off, or any of the other countless ways that it is usually reported.

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