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Question about my mouse


I have misplaced my pants.
This is kind of tough to explain. But I'll try. At work here, they gave me a lap-top. No real idea why, since I rarely take it out of the office. But I guess I DO sometimes take it out of the office, so no big deal. Anyway, about 2 days after I started here, I got fed up with the annoying eraser-mouse thing in the middle of the keyboard. The IT department got me a mouse. Cool. A couple of years ago, then, I got fed up with the little keyboard that goes with it, and got a cheap keyboard to plug in. The problem was that it used the same port dealy as the mouse. So I had to choose between the mouse and the keyboard. Luckily, they gave me a mouse that used a different port. I also got a new lap-top in that time-frame.

The problem is with the new mouse. Sometime after about 3 hours of using the computer, and always within 6 hours of using it, the mouse starts to have a delay. And it's not a time delay, but a movement delay. For instance, let's say I'm moving the mouse from left to right, very slowly. If I stop moving the mouse, it stops on the screen. But if I move it back to the left, it will continue to the right for a couple of pixels before turning back to the left. If I stop the mouse on an icon, and double-click it, it won't register that I've double-clicked it until I move the mouse a bit to overcome the delay. The delay gets worse and worse as time goes on. (It might be 1-2 pixels early, but becomes more like 15-20 pixels later.)

It's easy to fix temporarily. I found that if I go under "control panel" and then "mouse," it works fine, for 5-10 minutes maximum. I find myself loading the mouse settings pretty often in the afternoons.

So I have this question: is the problem with the mouse or the computer or what? I'm reluctant to go to IT to ask for another mouse since it took them a while to get one that uses this kind of port (don't ask me what it's called, I don't know). Ummm.. and I think that's my entire question. The end.
Sounds like you need this guy!

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Actually sounds like a mouse driver issue actually. I would get the make and model, go to the manufacturer's website, see if there is a new driver or new software that you can install for it.

Is it a USB mouse? And is it Optical?
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This is kind of tough to explain. But I'll try. At work here, they gave me a lap-top. No real idea why, since I rarely take it out of the office. But I guess I DO sometimes take it out of the office, so no big deal. Anyway, about 2 days after I started here, I got fed up with the annoying eraser-mouse thing in the middle of the keyboard. The IT department got me a mouse. Cool. A couple of years ago, then, I got fed up with the little keyboard that goes with it, and got a cheap keyboard to plug in. The problem was that it used the same port dealy as the mouse. So I had to choose between the mouse and the keyboard. Luckily, they gave me a mouse that used a different port. I also got a new lap-top in that time-frame.

The problem is with the new mouse. Sometime after about 3 hours of using the computer, and always within 6 hours of using it, the mouse starts to have a delay. And it's not a time delay, but a movement delay. For instance, let's say I'm moving the mouse from left to right, very slowly. If I stop moving the mouse, it stops on the screen. But if I move it back to the left, it will continue to the right for a couple of pixels before turning back to the left. If I stop the mouse on an icon, and double-click it, it won't register that I've double-clicked it until I move the mouse a bit to overcome the delay. The delay gets worse and worse as time goes on. (It might be 1-2 pixels early, but becomes more like 15-20 pixels later.)

It's easy to fix temporarily. I found that if I go under "control panel" and then "mouse," it works fine, for 5-10 minutes maximum. I find myself loading the mouse settings pretty often in the afternoons.

So I have this question: is the problem with the mouse or the computer or what? I'm reluctant to go to IT to ask for another mouse since it took them a while to get one that uses this kind of port (don't ask me what it's called, I don't know). Ummm.. and I think that's my entire question. The end.

Is it just your mouse, or is everything slow? Do you hear the processor working more? If so, ask for more RAM. Delays that happen over time can be due to the fact your RAM is full and your computer starts using the processor more and everything is slowed.

I know on my older computer after time everything slows including mouse movements similar to you describe. RAM normally fixes these type of problems. I now try and max RAM on all my computers (well not totally, the 1 Gb single slots cost a ton). I don't keep anything under 1 Gb total. Companies normally skimp on RAM. This could be your problem since the problem occurs after hours of use.

If not that, grab a mouse from home and try it out. If that fixes it, there ya go.
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I know on my older computer after time everything slows including mouse movements similar to you describe. RAM normally fixes these type of problems. I now try and max RAM on all my computers (well not totally, the 1 Gb single slots cost a ton). I don't keep anything under 1 Gb total. Companies normally skimp on RAM. This could be your problem since the problem occurs after hours of use.

Well if that was the case, he wouldnt be able to go to control panel, then mouse, and the problem goes away. He'd actually have to reboot.

It could be something OS related, but it really sounds like a driver issue to me.
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If I can piggyback on this issue. I bought a wireless mouse for my wife's grandparents and we are having a hell of a time getting it to work. I'm figuring it's just getting a ton of interference.

It just freezes up all of the time.
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Freezes up all the time. Hmm.............Usually that is either gonna be batteries, or the mouse is too far from the recevier. What brand and model is it?

FWIW, I've never had any luck with usb mice (wireless or wired).

I totally agree. I have 2 wireless keyboard/mouse combos, one for my desktop, one for my laptop. I do use USB for the laptop one, because the laptop isnt going to have 2 ps2 ports...........and I have zero problems with it. But I do agree with Hodge, if you can avoid USB, do so.
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Freezes up all the time. Hmm.............Usually that is either gonna be batteries, or the mouse is too far from the recevier. What brand and model is it?

I totally agree. I have 2 wireless keyboard/mouse combos, one for my desktop, one for my laptop. I do use USB for the laptop one, because the laptop isnt going to have 2 ps2 ports...........and I have zero problems with it. But I do agree with Hodge, if you can avoid USB, do so.

These are USB so that explains it.

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Actually sounds like a mouse driver issue actually. I would get the make and model, go to the manufacturer's website, see if there is a new driver or new software that you can install for it.

Is it a USB mouse? And is it Optical?

I was hoping someone could tell me some magic words to chant and maybe the demons would leave my mouse and my computer alone. These solutions sound a lot more involved than I was hoping.

I'm about as computer-literate as I am.. um.. well, let's just say I'm not computer-literate. I know how to turn it on and off, I know how to get on the internet and how to check my email and stuff. I can use Microsoft Word and Excel with the best of 'em (no, I'm not challenging anyone to a duel), but that's about the extend of my knowledge. You can tell me you have so much RAM and so much memory and such-and-such operating system, but I understand about as much of it as I do when my wife's talking (and that ain't much).

Anyway, I'm going to assume that a USB mouse is a mouse I would plug into a USB port. If that's the case, no, it's not a USB mouse. Most mice (or is the plural "mouses"?) I've seen have the circular plug. But like I said before, the keyboard currently uses that port. This mouse uses a port that looks more like a printer connection. Two rows of so-many pins. I think I looked for another mouse one time, and couldn't find one with this connection. But, knowing me, I probably didn't look too hard.

Maybe I'll try the drivers thing, and maybe I'll try getting a new mouse sometime. This isn't really that big of a deal. I just figured that I'd ask, to see if there was a simple answer. Thanks, everyone.
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Most mice (or is the plural "mouses"?) I've seen have the circular plug. But like I said before, the keyboard currently uses that port.

Sounds like you're using a laptop since there is only one PS-2 (the circular) port.

FWIW You can pick up a "Y" connector at any Best Buy/CompUSA/Circuit City etc. It plugs plugs into your current PS-2 port and splits it into two separate ports, one for a PS-2 keyboard and one for a PS-2 mouse.
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Sounds like you're using a laptop since there is only one PS-2 (the circular) port.

FWIW You can pick up a "Y" connector at any Best Buy/CompUSA/Circuit City etc. It plugs plugs into your current PS-2 port and splits it into two separate ports, one for a PS-2 keyboard and one for a PS-2 mouse.

Holy crap! I thought about that, once. But I decided that that would be too much information enterring the port. Some info from the mouse and some from the keyboard, and some from wherever the hell the information pops into my brain. Anyway, I voted that idea off the island because I didn't think it would work. But, then again, you guys don't call me "Zurp, the guy who punched himself in the crotch" for nothing.

Do you guys really call me that?
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Whoa, a serial mouse? That oughtta belong in an antique store. Probably get big bucks on eBay because there's like 10 in existence that still work (9 after yours bites the dust soon).

Try a USB mouse. You can pick one up at Microcenter or wherever for 5-10 bucks.
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