Will Howard did not have a good day. Something was off in his throws early and often. Might have/would have been different if Michigan's DB hadn't tackled Smith in the end zone to prevent a TD. That was soon followed by the just-short-of-a-pick-six. But he missed several throws. More than once Michigan left Henderson alone in the flat to keep three men on Smith. Will either didn't see it, felt he had enough time to see it, or was told not to throw it to Henderson.
Any of you who are more savvy on coaching know why the Bucks weren't able to take advantage of the 3 men on Smith? Of course, when you're running on 1st and 2nd down, it doesn't leave much time to discover what's going on in the passing game.
Which leads me to question 2. If Will was hurt, or couldn't hit something, was Brown ready to go? I'm still shaken by how poor the QBs looked against Mizoo.