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Problems with new NIC card


I recently upgraded to high speed internet. When my cable modem was installed I found out that the NIC card on my computer was bad. Instead of replacing right away I decided to hook up the modem through a usb port and replace the NIC card later. I have replaced the NIC card but cannot connect to the internet through it. I've tried using the wizard to set up a new connection but my computer keeps telling me that a connection should already exist. I'm about at my wits end here. Any help would be appreciated.
Are you using XP? That is kinda odd if so, because XP usually just picks up the link from your NIC, gets an IP address, and fires right up. You dont need to use the wizard at all. I would go into control panel - network connections, and see what all you have listed in there. Better yet, if you can list that here, might help.
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Hmm, is the card installed properly? Maybe it's trying to use the drivers off the old card. Try uninstalling the old drivers and installing the ones that came with the new card. To uninstall the old ones do this: Control Panel -> System (Be sure to switch to classic view) -> Click the hardware tab -> Device Manager -> Hit the plus by network adapters and then right click on the card and uninstall. If it isn't listed in the network adapter list then look for a yellow question mark and most likely that'll be your card. I always find starting from scratch to be the best way to fix a problem. If that isn't it let us know. We'll figure something out.
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The card is installed correctly, the only driver present is the one specifically for it that I got from the CD that came with it. As far as Network connections go, they are as follows.

Local area connection 6 (This one is for the cable modem, It runs through a USB port)

Wireless Network connection (I intend to install a router shortly, but I nee to have my internet access going through a NIC card before I can install the router)

Local Area Connection 7 (This is the connection for my NIC card) I've tried disabling the other connections and enabling this one but it simply won't work.
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Hmm, you should run the cable modem to the NIC, NOT via USB.........that should eliminate LAN 6..........

Do you still have a wireless router present? If not, then the wireless connection shouldnt exist either. There should really only be the one LAN connection visible.
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Depending on the high speed service you use, the server that you are trying to connect through could be looking for the MAC address of your usb/modem card and won't release that connection. You could try to use the run command off of the start menu. When your command prompt comes up try the command ping and the ip address if nothing happens except for operation timed out try iprelease and then iprenew and that should get you a new ip address to use from your provider. You also might try to set up a new local area connection using the wizard on you OS.
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Do you still have a wireless router present? If not, then the wireless connection shouldnt exist either. There should really only be the one LAN connection visible.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________

This is not correct, wasnt paying attention to what I was typing. If you have a wireless card in your machine, that one will show up no matter what.

If you already have a wireless router, here is what I would do.

Run your cable modem via ethernet, to the wan port of your wireless router. Connect to the wireless router with your computer (using wireless). The net should work perfectly fine then...........and you dont even have to mess with the NIC.
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