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Practice Players Pretty in Pink no more (merged)

tibor75 said:
Funny that this thread was started by Mr. "Boo-hoo Tibor is ruining my day by offending me" :roll1:

what a tool.
"You Rang?"

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What a bunch of crap! Same reason June Jones dropped "rainbows" from Hawai'i

b/c of the "homophobic" reference to gays! Fuck this shit. I'm tired of this made up PC shit. When I was in HS and early years of college you never even heard of "PC". I for one, AM NEVER PC...I DESPISE IT! TO ME PC STANDS FOR PUSSY COCKSUCKERS!

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I do find it pretty bizarre what people will get offended about. Good thing our founding fathers (excuse me, founding people) included in the Bill of Rights the right to not be offended. Oh wait...

Smartass comments aside, the one who really pisses me off here isn't the one who makes the complaint, its the one who caves in to nonsense. You know the old expression, opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one. I can deal with people having differing views on issues. But nowadays, everybody caves in at the first sign of public pressure. Maybe, just maybe, that's why there is so much PC crap today. Because a few people with far out viewpoints get disproportionate influence by raising the "I'm offended" flag.

They only do it because too many people let it work...
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story make brain hurt...


i find this story offensive and feel that it should be rewritten immediately! as one of only a handful of Americans not suffering from an "ism" or "disease". i feel my minority rights are being infringed upon. everyone seems to have the right to bitch but me. this is completely unfair. there is no equality here! what about MY rights? what about MY feelings? i hearby declair that those who complain are some form of "ist" and are actively and purposely oppressing me. i demand the immediate and complete halt to complaining of any and all type. until i find something to bitch about anyway... then ya know, its all good :tongue2: .
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One would think a cancer survivor would be out enjoying their new found lease on life instead of looking around at an Arkansas football practice for something to bitch about.

And along those same lines, what about those survivors you never hear that much from? The ones who survived fucking combat. Do they own the color green from here on out? Or better yet how about red.

If any groups entiteld to their own color its this one, funny thing is they are the last ones you would ever hear bitch about something as fucking stupid as this.
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