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Bucknut24;1700521; said:
whether he ever makes it on or not, good luck to him in trying to lose weight, its not an easy thing. I am a fat man myself, I'm 325, and trying to lose weight. I'm kind of a weird fatty, if you see my legs or arms, you wouldn't think im anywhere close to that weight. Luckily I play a lot of tennis (played for 14 years) and I know that helps me. I'm gonna keep trying, and I hope to get down to 240 someday.

Good Luck fellow buffet buster!

Pensacola???? Try following FSU football. That will make you sick to your stomach, ergo.....
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wanted to bump this cause I wanted to get this off before I lose all hope..thought I was doing pretty good in my weight loss, had gone from 320 to 314 as of Friday morning, was getting excited, been goin to the gym.....So I have gone to the gym and worked out (mostly cardio) for the past 3 days (fri, sat, today) I went on the scale today and to my horror it read 320...I can not for the life of me figure how I can gain 6 lbs in 3 days while going to the gym...and its not like I pigged out any of the days either. I think the most I ate was Friday night, went out and had 3 slices of pizza and 3 beers with some friends, but like I said I have gone to the gym 3 days, I would think that would help offset just a little bit. I don't eat much inbetween meals so its not like it because I've been snacking which has casued it...this weekend has really made me lose hope that I'm ever going to lose weight, I was gonna go to Universal Studios with some friends July 1, and had set a goal of 305 by the time I go (so I can make sure i fit in all the rides) and thought I was well on my way. Not so sure anymore...I know its only 3 days, but it was how quickly I somehow went back to my orgianll weight after working so hard for the past 2 weeks to lose those 6 lbs

Sorry for the little rant, just really peeved right now
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bucknut, in spite of working out and changing your eating habits, there will be times when your weight is higher than you expect. the amount of water that your body holds, especially when at a greater weight, can vary drastically by the day. a simple weight scale will not register your losses (or gains) as well as a body fat scale would.

that being stated, i do not know if your surprise was due to water retention. there may be other causes. nonetheless, do your best not to get discouraged. as long as you're taking measures that you know are good for your health, you will be going in the right direction. there will be detours, but you must maintain. short-term goals are inferior to those that are long-term.
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Bucknut24;1710027; said:
wanted to bump this cause I wanted to get this off before I lose all hope..thought I was doing pretty good in my weight loss, had gone from 320 to 314 as of Friday morning, was getting excited, been goin to the gym.....So I have gone to the gym and worked out (mostly cardio) for the past 3 days (fri, sat, today) I went on the scale today and to my horror it read 320...I can not for the life of me figure how I can gain 6 lbs in 3 days while going to the gym...and its not like I pigged out any of the days either. I think the most I ate was Friday night, went out and had 3 slices of pizza and 3 beers with some friends, but like I said I have gone to the gym 3 days, I would think that would help offset just a little bit. I don't eat much inbetween meals so its not like it because I've been snacking which has casued it...this weekend has really made me lose hope that I'm ever going to lose weight, I was gonna go to Universal Studios with some friends July 1, and had set a goal of 305 by the time I go (so I can make sure i fit in all the rides) and thought I was well on my way. Not so sure anymore...I know its only 3 days, but it was how quickly I somehow went back to my orgianll weight after working so hard for the past 2 weeks to lose those 6 lbs

Sorry for the little rant, just really peeved right now

As OSU_Buckguy says, water weight is a bastard. I had a constant battle with "water weight" when I was a wrestler in high school. All I can say is you gotta stick with it. Set an attainable goal that you want to reach at a month. Once you hit that goal, set another one.

You say you're 320, try to get to 310 within a month while running a mile or whatever. From there, step it down to whatever the weight is you want to sit at, but I think a point to make is DON'T make it all about weight. Give yourself a goal, like so many squats with such a weight or a certain number of miles ran/walked or what have you along with the weight goal.

The other thing you may want to do is eat smaller but more regular meals. A friend of mine actually eats 7 times a day, but they are pretty small meals and he is in GREAT shape. His eating habit has cranked up his metabolism to the point that his last meal is usually a "normal" meal after he works out.

Read this article here: Healthy Eating Habits - Increase Your Metabolism

You may pick up on a few things that you could possibly change a bit to help yourself.

Losing weight is a journey, not a sprint. It takes guts to stick it out when things aren't exactly going your way. Good luck!!
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