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PG John Paul Mobley (Official Thread)

The lone commit in Ohio State's 2024 commit and the 38th-ranked overall prospect in the country will transfer from Bishop Gorman (Las Vegas) to Wasatch Academy (Mount Pleasant, Utah) ahead of his senior year of high school.
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The first two pieces of Ohio State basketball's 2024 recruiting class are officially heading to Columbus.

Juni Mobley and Colin White signed their National Letters of Intent to play for the Buckeyes on Wednesday, college basketball's National Signing Day.
Mobley is a four-star prospect out of Wasatch Academy in Mount Pleasant, Utah. He is considered the No. 47 overall recruit, No. 6 combo guard and No. 1 player out of Utah in the class of 2024 by the 247Sports composite rankings. With a 6-0, 150-pound frame, point guard appears to be the most likely position for Mobley as he starts his collegiate career.
Oct. 16 marked one year since Mobley committed to Ohio State back in 2022. He was the first pledge the Buckeyes picked up in their 2024 class, and they beat out Arizona State, LSU and Creighton, among others, for his services.
Mobley averaged 20.1 points, four rebounds, four assists and two steals per game during his 2022-23 campaign at Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas. He transferred to Wasatch ahead of his senior season in June.

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Mobley also got recognized for being the top shooter in the class by 247.

I realize Chatman is also a good shooter, but I believe Mobley will overtake him in the rotation simply based on seeing the problems Chatman had with turnovers last season, as his turnover rate was almost double the next-worst player on the team. I see Mobley as having the inside track to making the rotation.
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