I've always liked them
What was this fool doing rolling around the west side of Dayton?<!-- ad slot for leaderboard 728x90 --><!-- begin, "728x90, sniffer" --><SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/JavaScript><!--var zedoExitPopFlag = false;var instFlag = "";if ("referrer=search_buy") != 0) { instFlag = "dcopt=ist;"; zedoExitPopFlag = true;}document.write('<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript1.1\" SRC=";ap=localnews
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<!--startclickprintinclude--><!-- // BEGIN CONTENT // -->Rose ex-bookie shot in head
Police unsure why Ronald Peters was in Dayton

<!--endclickprintexclude--> By Lou Grieco
Dayton Daily News
Ronald Peters, best known as Pete Rose's former bookie, was shot in the head Sunday in Dayton
Peters was in serious condition at an area hospital. Police said Monday they did not have any suspects in the shooting and don't know why he was shot.
Police were called to the 1600 block of Gilsey Avenue about 2:50 p.m., where they found two sisters tending to Peters, 47, who was lying on the ground in a grocery story parking lot, next to his Ford Thunderbird, police said.
The sisters were leaving church when they saw Peters standing near his car, then saw him collapse, police said.
One of the sisters held towels against Peters' wound while the other, who has nursing training, maintained the man's vital signs until paramedics arrived, the report said.
Peters lives in Franklin. He suffered a gunshot wound behind his left ear. He told paramedics he had been shot, but provided no further information.
A security guard for a nearby church told police he heard two shots, then saw another man get out of the Thunderbird and run.
The guard then heard someone yelling for help, police said.
Detectives had not been able to interview Peters because of his medical condition, Sgt. Gary White said Monday.
In 1989, Peters agreed to a plea bargain and was convicted and sentenced to 24 months in prison on federal charges of cocaine distribution and making a false statement on his 1985 income tax return.
Peters also gave testimony to Major League Baseball and to federal investigators concerning Rose's gambling and claimed to have taken bets from the former Cincinnati Reds all-star and manager exceeding $1 million during a two-year period. At the time, Peters owned Jonathan's Cafe, a bar in downtown Franklin in northern Warren County. It has since been razed.
In 2001, Peters was sentenced to six months in prison for owing $39,000 in dependent support. He previously served a year in prison, from April 1998 to March 1999, for a theft conviction, according to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.
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<!--startclickprintinclude--><!-- // BEGIN CONTENT // -->Rose ex-bookie shot in head
Police unsure why Ronald Peters was in Dayton

Dayton Daily News
Ronald Peters, best known as Pete Rose's former bookie, was shot in the head Sunday in Dayton
Peters was in serious condition at an area hospital. Police said Monday they did not have any suspects in the shooting and don't know why he was shot.
Police were called to the 1600 block of Gilsey Avenue about 2:50 p.m., where they found two sisters tending to Peters, 47, who was lying on the ground in a grocery story parking lot, next to his Ford Thunderbird, police said.
The sisters were leaving church when they saw Peters standing near his car, then saw him collapse, police said.
One of the sisters held towels against Peters' wound while the other, who has nursing training, maintained the man's vital signs until paramedics arrived, the report said.
Peters lives in Franklin. He suffered a gunshot wound behind his left ear. He told paramedics he had been shot, but provided no further information.
A security guard for a nearby church told police he heard two shots, then saw another man get out of the Thunderbird and run.
The guard then heard someone yelling for help, police said.
Detectives had not been able to interview Peters because of his medical condition, Sgt. Gary White said Monday.
In 1989, Peters agreed to a plea bargain and was convicted and sentenced to 24 months in prison on federal charges of cocaine distribution and making a false statement on his 1985 income tax return.
Peters also gave testimony to Major League Baseball and to federal investigators concerning Rose's gambling and claimed to have taken bets from the former Cincinnati Reds all-star and manager exceeding $1 million during a two-year period. At the time, Peters owned Jonathan's Cafe, a bar in downtown Franklin in northern Warren County. It has since been razed.
In 2001, Peters was sentenced to six months in prison for owing $39,000 in dependent support. He previously served a year in prison, from April 1998 to March 1999, for a theft conviction, according to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.
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