Hello comarade,
I see you have been checking in on this site on a daily and almost hourly basis, but haven't gotten the courage to start posting again. It will please you to know that Tibor will be going on vacation for several days and therefore you do not need to feel threatened about posting here. I am sure there are many others such as MililaniBuckeye and osugrad21 here that are willing to hold your hand and provide you with encouraging messages during my absence. It is only fair to warn you however that I will return by 8:17 AM on Tuesday. Until then, the board is yours.
p.s. RogerMoore will also be gone
I see you have been checking in on this site on a daily and almost hourly basis, but haven't gotten the courage to start posting again. It will please you to know that Tibor will be going on vacation for several days and therefore you do not need to feel threatened about posting here. I am sure there are many others such as MililaniBuckeye and osugrad21 here that are willing to hold your hand and provide you with encouraging messages during my absence. It is only fair to warn you however that I will return by 8:17 AM on Tuesday. Until then, the board is yours.
p.s. RogerMoore will also be gone