I do not choose to discuss it
jlb1705;2091265; said:I follow journalists on the OSU beat via Twitter.
I stay away from the blogs for the most part. With all due respect to any bloggers in our midst, there's too much shadiness in where the info is actually coming from. Much of it seems to be re-packaged content from other sites that are actually doing the legwork.
For instance, I just went to one of the blogs linked above and saw that it wasn't until the fourth paragraph of the entry that the story on Perkins' commitment was attributed to Dave Berk with a link.
Others are worse. They give you a link in the regular text of the article, but you never actually need to click thru to because they have lifted the content wholesale from the original reporter who is never named on the blog.
In defense of bloggers (I am one).
If given the opportunity, I am sure that more than a few bloggers would be willing to suffer the slings and arrows of doing the leg-work on stories (aka get paid to follow Ohio State athletics professionally) even if it means other people talk about the stories they got paid to know about and write about first.
With twitter, the subscription sites, newspapers, radio stations, facebook, blogs, and a whole host of other outlets in which news can be broken these days, trying to find out who actually broke the story first would likely be a day long task.
Outside of the bloggers calling the players or other figures themselves for confirmation, which seems to me like it would be uber creepy, overbearing, and unnecessary for 30 bloggers to do that each time they want an update, I don't see what a good alternative is outside of the current practice of providing a credible link to source the main topic (so-and-so committed) and going from there.
Plagiarism is obviously a different story, but learning that a player committed, linking to a credible source as proof, and adding your thoughts on said commitment is hardly that, imo.
Similar to BuckeyePlanet, most of the blogs are free and the writers do it because they enjoy talking, writing, and sharing their opinions about Ohio State sports. Most of them have never and will never make money on it.
I will readily admit that I get a majority of the news I write about from BuckeyePlanet, but in return, the links I use to site sources have sent thousands of page views BuckeyePlanet's way.
I'd like to think some of those people have stuck around and have added to the BP community, and that in the end it all evens out.