2nd Half
7th Drive
1st Play: 1st and 10 O20
Form: Single set I, double TE (inside slotted) right, flankers split
Def: 5-man front, 2 LBs inside, corners tight on flankers (though strong side backs off before snap), 1 deep safety, 1 safety pinching to strong side, showing blitz.
On snap safety does blitz, but inside TE picks him up. Standard 7-step drop, great protection, SM decides to roll out right and runs for 8-9.
Does SM not trust his line? He was protected but apparently no one was opened, he tucked the ball and ran. At least he was decisive about this and got good yards. No downfield view to see coverage. Could he have hung in pocket and found receiver???
2nd Play: 2nd and 2 O28
Form: I-form, strong right, double flanker left (wide side)
Def: 5 man front, 2 LBs & safety pinching on strong side, CBs on two flankers, inside tight, outside 8 yards back. 1 deep safety. Defense is looking run to O's left..
Snap: O-line gets 2 yard push, straight hand off, everyone but corners dive inside. Ross follows blocks, hole opens on RG, Ross hits it and gets 7-8 yards.
Good blocks and seals, Ross hit hole well. Despite stacked defense, OSU got good blocks and hit it quickly for good yards. Again, well-blocked and quick hand-off allowed bigger yards. Also, no spin by QB. Defense jumped to left of line, play went right.
3rd Play 1st and 10 O36
Form: Single-set I form, double TE strong right, flankers split
Def: 4 man front with 5th (LB) split to strong side then creeps in over TEs, 2 LBs in middle, CBs on flankers, safeties in cover 2. Expecting a quick run or long pass?
WS shows run support, backs off at snap.
Looks like a trap, as Bishop pulls on run right. LDT (Clarke's key?) pulled stunt and slid into run zone coverage and nails Ross for loss. Blocking looked good, the DT seemed to be stunting right and was in right place at right time, but Clarke should have gotten him
So far on this drive, NW is showing more motion and stunts to confuse O-line. It worked there. The pulls and the blocks were good. Ross looked slow on the keys, as well.
4th Play: 2nd and 11 O35
Form: Offset I left, strong side right, Double flanker left
Def: 4 man front, 2 LBs, cover 2 deep (with nickelback eventually pinching in from deep), SS pinching to LOS. Defense guarding pass and cross routes, but LBs looking for draw with SS and NB.
Outside flanker motions inside on weak side.
Snap: Jenkins (now outside) runs post, Carter runs shorter hook, TE slips out into flats unchecked. McMullen looks long, then sees TE and hits him with nice touch. Hartsock catches dump off, gains 9.
Nice play, the motion and routes of flankers pulled coverage off TE, leaving him open. SM looked off deep coverage to open TE for easy play. NICE
5th Play: 3rd and long 1 from O45
Form: Single-set balanced I, Flankers split
Def: 5 man front, 2 LBs not so tight, SS pinches tight to left of O, cover 2 Safeties, CBs are on tight. Defense is looking run, but not selling out as they have- guarding for short pass by looks of it.
At snap: DE on O's right reads pass and drops into coverage. No PA, but LB's come in quick, then read pass and try to back off, but too late, TE is open in middle. Again, SM looks to other receivers, then comes back to TE. The defense was caught flat-footed. Great blocking, but no pressure or blitz.
Some don't like passes on 3rd and 1- gutsy call. But play execution was great- and defense was not expecting this, either.
6th Play: 1st and 10 N47
Form: Single-set I, dbl TE right, flankers split
Def: 5 man front, 2 LBs (a little further back than previous play), CBs 3-4 yards off flankers, safeties both back, but SS is pinching up at snap- defense looking run.
Snap: 7 step drop, Ross flares to weak side drawing an LB or the WS, great pocket with passing lanes. Jenkins ran an up and curl or hook, McMullen fires one in. Complete. Caught the defense pinching run and got the 1-on-1 coverage, the curl creates the opening. Nice play, great blocking.
7th Play: 1st and 10, N30
Form: I-form, strong left, split flankers
Def: 4-3 with WS pinching on LOS, CB's are 5-7 yards off flankers, SS deep but moving up, LBs are holding back, looking pass?
Snap: Weak PA, WS blitzes, LB's froze on PA but were looking pass coverage, Hall slips out after PA and is rescue option on pass. Schnittker nails blitz, McMullen has a freebie! Carter has burned his man, wide open! Refs say ball hit the ground. Damn! Excellent execution, good routes, pass was maybe a bit too strong. These are the little things, the second time a pass was just too strong- the timing is good, just too much oomph. Damn again! Nice play.
8th Play: 2nd and 10 N30 (late out of huddle)
Form: offset I right, strong left, flankers both on weak
Def: 4-4 (maybe 2 safeties outside of 2 LBs) all bunched, CBs are tight on wide flanker, deep off inside flanker. 1 SS looking deep on strong side. Defense is looking run, but guarding short flare passes. Safety on inside Flanker cheats and shows blitz on weak side.
Will OSU run their always predictable 2nd-and-10 draw Play???
Snap: Safety cheating does not blitz, drops into coverage, everyone else reads run. Surprise, it is the draw play!!!! O-line opens cavernous holes, Hall hits them and gets yards, but Safeties and CB react and stuff it quickly. 3 yard gain. The holes were there, the hand-off was too long in the making. A straight running play nets @7 or more. Defense was looking draw play and nailed it. OSU is too predictable in this situation (under Tressel, OSU runs a draw play on 2nd-and-10 following an incompletion around 88% of the time). Bad call, but hard work and blocking netted the play 3 yards.
9th Play: 3rd and 7 N27
Form: shotgun, 3 wide left (1 a bit tighter), 2 right
Defense: 3 man front, 2 LBS staggered weak side, dime all off LOS cover 3 favoring 3 Receiver side.
Snap: 1 LB blitzes, other drops back to coverage on 2-Receiver side. 7-step drop, SM throws pocket screen to Carter on strong side. Carter has Clarke and Mangold in front of him. With deep coverage, DB's react to play but nice block by Clarke springs Carter for 1st down as he spins out of grasp of tackler. Nice call, good hustle by Clarke and Mangold. Hall did not block well, otherwise play could have gone further. Poor defense by NW. Backed off play and allowed screen to happen, but recovered well to prevent play from going big.
10th Play: 1st and 10 N17
Form: Single-set I, dbl TE right, flankers split
Def: 5 man front, 3 LBs (or 2 + SS), CBs are 5 yards off flankers, WS is in short Cover 1 in the middle. Defense is looking run to strong side.
Snap: LB and SS blitz to right side of Oline, OSU runs deep hand-off (not a draw). 4 blockers and 6 defenders is not good odds. Hall has nowhere to go, tries cut-back and gets nothing.
Another "should have been changed at LOS" play, but no time. A deep hand-off and the defense is looking for you to run to that side. O-line blocks are okay, but again overwelmed at point of attack. Lanes are filled by defenders before RBs can get there. These deep handoffs are murder, especially without the blocking back in front of the HB.
11th Play: 2nd and 12 N19
Form: shotgun, dbl TE right, 3 flankers left (not too wide)
Def: 5 man front, 1 LB, 1 SS in as LB, 3 DBs facing off flankers, 1 safety in deep coverage. Team is looking pass, but playing awfully tight- expecting a quick-hitter?
Snap, 5 step-drop, all LBs/Safeties drop into zones. SM throws poorly to short slant to Jenkins, no real yardage to gain, anyhow.
Again, the defense shows they are expecting a pass, a short pass, and are favoring this side. OSU runs no motion, no clearing patterns, just straight up routes. OSU needs to read the defense and call a change in routes. This play had no chance.
12th Play: 3rd and 12 N19
OSU: Shotgun, 3 Rec left, 2 right
Def: 3 man front, 7 LB/DBs across middle 4-5 yards off zone, 1 deep back. Defense is looking pass and running 7 zones.
Snap: 1 DL drops back, 3 rush. SM makes no bones about it, it is a QB draw, I LB to left is spying SM, all others are either watching man or reading play from deep. Excellent O-line blocking and downfield blocking. SM makes better moves, gets 1st down.
The quick decision to do this led to the success. He was gone with the snap, defense did not have time to pick it up. Plus, he ran to "weak" side, the spy was on the strong side. Great call? It worked this time.
13th Play: 1st and Goal N3-1/2
Form: The Old Power or roundhouse T, balanced line
Def: 5 man front, 5 LB/DB's inside TEs, 1 safety. Defense is looking run and preparing to react to anything inside tackles.
Snap: Handoff to Ross (right side back), up the LG. Good surge, but LBs read handoff, then crashed the hole. Still got about 2 yards, but no hope to get more inside.
This is a play old-timers say "we should always be able to get X-number of yards." Well, defenses aren't that simple anymore, this defense was expecting something inside the tackles, and got it.
14th Play: 2nd and Goal N1-1/2
Form: I form, triple TE strong left (Joe at FB)
Def: 6 man front, 4 across the back,1 DB flannked over strong TE, who motions inside then back to position, DB follows. Defense looking run to right side of OSU line.
-This is where everyone expects OSU to bulldoze- mindless, up the middle football, and NW is no different.
Snap: OSU gives ball to Joe,, but center of O-line gets beaten, Joe barely gains a half-yard.
Bruce used to call these attitude plays- you have got to want it more. Well, you can want it more all you want, but if the D knows where you are going to take it, they won't let you take it no matter how much more you want it. 5 OL can not block 8 defenders crowding space.
15th Play: 3rd and Goal N1
Form: Balanced I, Flanker far left
Def: 6-man front, open over tackles, 4 LB/DBs stationed over gaps. Clog middle, prepare for inside Tackle runs. 1 CB on flanker. Carter then motions slowly closer inside.
Snap: PA to FB, RTE (Hamby) feigns block then releases across goal line on crossing route. SM does that amazing 360-spin after the PA whih usually gets nailed by a weakside blitz. Weakside blitz! LB and DB covering gap on Hamby's side run inside-out blitzes to that side, with NO TE, that is 2 defenders and 1 blocker (FB)- however, FB picks it up well and Olivea (?) slides off one block and plasters blitz. Yeah! However, Clarke at LG gets dusted and beat inside- right into SM's face. SM takes hit for team and delivers pass to Hamby all alone. Great play, but Clarke did get eaten alive and almost blew play. Kudos to RBs and Olivea (RT???) for sliding off their blocks and containing blitz.
Overall a very nice drive, but again, some plays called just for the defense. On 2 key third down plays, SM hit line of srimmage with 15 seconds or so on play clock- giving him time to read defense- both plays successful. However on 2nd and long plays, SM gets under center with less than 8 seconds, and defense seems to know plays. I seriously blame this on coaches taking too long to pick a 2nd-and-medium/long play and not giving him time to audible. The QB needs to be able to check out of a play when the defense is stacked for it.
On the last couple of drives, but especially early on this one, NW started moving people rather than line up static, but they did tend to give away what they were looking for even in movement. After getting burned with 3 straight passes, NW backed off, even going to a 4 man front for a while, before returning to a 5-man. However, those LBs never lined up as tight as they did on the earlier series of the game.