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OSU basketball painting


My dad is an artist who paints using Ohio State Buckeye themes. This is his latest painting he finished yesterday. He doesn't have a title for it yet so if you have any ideas let's hear them. I suggested "Shooting for your dreams" or some variation of that.

Do you like the word "Buckeyes" on the backboard or would you rather see the OSU logo? I suggested using the logo but he put those words instead. The garage and backboard are meant to look old and since the current OSU logo isn't really that old he thought it wouldn't be fitting. What do you think?

The artist is Don Huber and his collections are called Buckeye Country Art
i like your dads work alot...very nice painting...although i would prefer it to have Dallas Lauderdale going up to block the kids shot...something like this


or maybe he could paint Sullinger going up for the oop...just suggestions
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I think the artwork is of very good quality. I'm fine with 'BUCKEYES' on the backboard.

But as a basketball fan, I'm wondering why there appears to be no net? (If the family can afford that lightpost on the driveway, a net would seem to belong, and I can't make one out).

And the ball seems to be heading toward the 'Y' on the backboard, rather than the middle of the rim.

Those things may seem overly critical, but I'm honestly stating why I wouldn't buy it.
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BB73;1882786; said:
But as a basketball fan, I'm wondering why there appears to be no net? (If the family can afford that lightpost on the driveway, a net would seem to belong, and I can't make one out).

I'm fine with no net ... been there, done that. The fact three of the four windows aren't broken out of the garage door is the problem here.
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Played a lot of b-ball in my backyard when I was a kid and the no net is fine with me. I like the simplicity of the work and would keep it that way. The ball verring to the right is fine with me because the player is just a small kid.
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Yoyoyoin, that's hilarious!

I questioned him about the ball looking like it's not headed in the right direction too but he said if you look at the way the ball is spinning it will make it in. Ha!

My basketball hoop didn't have a net as a kid, neither did my neighbors. I think Don was trying to represent that you don't need the best equipment or the best court. Just the best of everything inside you. And the dedication and spirit to drive you.
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