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OMFG I just can't wait till football season!!!!


This is probably going to get deleted and shit...........BUT OMFG.......WHO ISNT LOOKING FOWARD TO TROY STOMMPPING ALL OVER <insert any other quarterback other than troy simrth......>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG I HOPE WE COME OUIT FIRING LIKE WE DID ALL OVER BRADY'S SISTER.
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This is probably going to get deleted and shit...........BUT OMFG.......WHO ISNT LOOKING FOWARD TO TROY STOMMPPING ALL OVER <insert any="" quarterback="" other="" than="" troy="" simrth="">!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFG I HOPE WE COME OUIT FIRING LIKE WE DID ALL OVER BRADY'S SISTER.

...and then the AIM culture began the slow death of the English language.
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