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Old Monitor, New PC???


F***ing Catalina Wine-Mixer
I have an old monitor and newer PC. My question is, can the monitor slow down how fast images download on the screen? or is there something wrong with the computer?
My buddy used to have a beer funnel he named the flux capacitor. It had two funnels that led into a valve you could switch back and forth between the funnels. Good times. :drunks:

Your buddy didn't live on Frambes Ave. in the mid 90's did he?

Some of our neighbors had a 3 story beer bong with splitters on the bottom so two people could do it.

The bong held 9.5 beers and my one friend Pat chugged the whole 9.5 beers.
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Your buddy didn't live on Frambes Ave. in the mid 90's did he?

Some of our neighbors had a 3 story beer bong with splitters on the bottom so two people could do it.

The bong held 9.5 beers and my one friend Pat chugged the whole 9.5 beers.

His buddy Pat also got me on top of our roof when I was 15 and had some chick show her tits so I could sneak a peak from the roof...Good times...
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Yeah it can definitely have an effect. You may need to reduce the refresh rate or at least the screen resolution. How old is the monitor?

I am not sure how old the monitor is. The PC I am speaking of is at work. I have a brand new PC at home. I would say the monitor is atleast 5 years old. It is a "KDS Visual Sensations" I think I am going to buy a new one today, and if it is still messed up, I will have somebody look at it.
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Not really that complicated, you just have to be careful what you change it to, because if you change it to something that your monitor cannot display, then you lose video altogether :biggrin:

All ya gotta do is go to your display properties (right click on the desktop, properties). Settings tab at the top, advanced button at the bottom. Monitor tab at the top. I'd say your safest refresh rate is gonna be 60-70hz. Try that and see if it helps.
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