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OL Alex Boone (Official Thread)

Great news for Boone.......



Buckeyes lineman avoids suspension for fall quarter

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ken Gordon

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A key piece of the Ohio State offensive line, tackle Alex Boone, will be eligible to play for the Buckeyes this fall, coach Jim Tressel said yesterday.

Boone faced a possible university suspension for being charged with drunken driving in April. Under a recent crackdown, the Office of Student Judicial Affairs has been suspending many drunken-driving offenders for a quarter, and Boone was in danger of missing the season if he was suspended for fall quarter.

School officials and Tressel said they could not comment on details of Boone’s judicial affairs case, citing federal privacy laws. But Tressel said, "We’ll have him for the fall."

Boone’s mother, Amy Boone, said, "We have no reason to believe he wouldn’t be eligible."

Alex Boone, of Lakewood, Ohio, will be a sophomore in the fall. He was a highly touted member of the 2005 recruiting class and began spring practice listed as the starter at left tackle.

Boone, 19, was charged after being involved in a two-vehicle accident April 2 near campus. No one was injured. According to the police report, he registered a blood-alcohol level of .159 percent. The legal limit for persons under 21 is .02 percent.

On April 19, Boone pleaded no contest and was found guilty. His license was suspended, and he was fined $300 and sentenced to 10 days in jail, , which was suspended provided he complete an alcohol-education program by July 4.

Under OSU athletics department policy, Boone already had been subjected to increased testing and counseling.

When he was sentenced, Boone’s attorney, Bradley Koffel, told The Dispatch he did not believe Boone would be suspended for fall quarter. The university had several options, including probation or suspension for summer quarter. It’s unclear whether Boone has already appeared before the student judiciary review board.

"There’s a lot that goes into preparing for a review," Amy Boone said. "Alex has worked really hard, he’s been really proactive about getting everything done that he needs. He’s trying to get back into everyone’s good graces.

"I’m very proud of him. He recognized the fact this could be the end of his career, and he didn’t want that to happen. He’s been very fortunate."

[email protected]
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Very, VERY good to hear.

I think Alex realizes he really screwed up in this situation, and I think it may even turn out to be the kind of event that re-focuses him, ala Troy Smith (and hopefully any others on the team who might have started to take their opportunity as an Ohio State University Football player for granted) as a football player and a person. At least, I hope so. (of course with what's happened with tOSU Football & Basketball over the last 3 or 4 years, what more does our young athletes need as a "wake-up call" before they really watch their steps??...anyway)

I was able to meet and wish Alex luck at the Spring Preview luncheon. I asked to take a picture with him (he looks big on t.v. and in pictures, but next to me @ approx. 6'1" 195 lbs. you really see how insanely huge this kid is...I look like a shrimp :( :biggrin: ), and he readily said "sure". And when I shook his hand and thanked him, he said "No problem, thank you." Which I thought was very classy. I had a sense that he wanted everyone he met to know how truly grateful he was to be a part of tOSU, and I wondered if his athletic "life" passed before his eyes so to speak with this.

Anyway, good luck to Alex...hopefully this is a huge relief to him and his family to have this past him, and I hope he not only seizes the renewed opportunity for himself, but also is a vocal leader to help keep his teammates vigilant with regards to their own lives.

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I was able to meet and wish Alex luck at the Spring Preview luncheon. I asked to take a picture with him (he looks big on t.v. and in pictures, but next to me @ approx. 6'1" 195 lbs. you really see how insanely huge this kid is...I look like a shrimp :( :biggrin: ), and he readily said "sure". And when I shook his hand and thanked him, he said "No problem, thank you." Which I thought was very classy. I had a sense that he wanted everyone he met to know how truly grateful he was to be a part of tOSU, and I wondered if his athletic "life" passed before his eyes so to speak with this.

Great to hear. Sounds like a great kid.
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I wish Boone nothing but the best. Spielman was quoted on his show saying that Boone should be thrown off the team........ I wonder how Chris will feel about him if he turns out to be an All American..... Just the sad reality of playing ball at OSU. :biggrin:
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Buckeyes tackle ruled eligible for '06 season

By the Associated Press

COLUMBUS | Ohio State offensive tackle Alex Boone avoided a possible school suspension in the fall and will be eligible this season, according to OSU spokesman Steve Snapp.

The sophomore put his eligibility at risk because of a DUI arrest in April.
OSU typically suspends students charged with DUI for one quarter. But while Snapp couldn't comment specifically on Boone's case, the timing of his offense meant he could serve his suspension during summer quarter.
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Any Word on Boone?

I've got a buddy who's a real asshole about Michigan and keeps giving me lip about Alex Boone and some kind of university suspension for underaged drinking... along the order of school rules call for a student to be suspended and if Boone is suspended he won't have enough credits to be elgible. Anyone know what the real story is?
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cincibuck said:
I've got a buddy who's a real asshole about Michigan and keeps giving me lip about Alex Boone and some kind of university suspension for underaged drinking... along the order of school rules call for a student to be suspended and if Boone is suspended he won't have enough credits to be elgible. Anyone know what the real story is?
but you repeat yourself...
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Here ya go...



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Buckeyes tackle ruled eligible for '06 season

By the Associated Press

COLUMBUS | Ohio State offensive tackle Alex Boone avoided a possible school suspension in the fall and will be eligible this season, according to OSU spokesman Steve Snapp.

The sophomore put his eligibility at risk because of a DUI arrest in April.
OSU typically suspends students charged with DUI for one quarter. But while Snapp couldn't comment specifically on Boone's case, the timing of his offense meant he could serve his suspension during summer quarter. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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