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Ohio State's spring game losers forced to shovel mulch - ESPN (blog)
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Ohio State's spring game losers forced to shovel mulch
ESPN (blog)
Who says spring scrimmages are meaningless? Tell that to Ohio State's Scarlet team, which had to show up and shovel mulch Friday after losing last month's scrimmage 28-17 to the Gray squad. Seriously.
Scarlet team shovels mulch for losing Ohio State spring gameCampus Sports
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via Google News using key phrase "Buckeyes".
Ohio State's spring game losers forced to shovel mulch
ESPN (blog)
Who says spring scrimmages are meaningless? Tell that to Ohio State's Scarlet team, which had to show up and shovel mulch Friday after losing last month's scrimmage 28-17 to the Gray squad. Seriously.
Scarlet team shovels mulch for losing Ohio State spring gameCampus Sports
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