Too soon old, too late smart
Remember the days of yesteryear, when Mike Pepe led tOSU swim team(s) to conference titles. Used to bounce on the diving board outside the natatorium (in the sand), where tOSU had many diving champions practicing. Also got to see the new natatorium during daughter's college recruitment. Was 'herded' by an assistant so I couldn't walk the length of the pool and disrupt the swimmers. Having build a couple of swim pools for high schools in Cali, was amazed that there was one long pool, with a floating dock that could be let out or brought forward, depending on whether yards or meters, and whether short course or long course settings, rather than merely length (long course) or width (short course). The otherside of the dock provided warm up lanes that didn't create wakes that disrupted the racers. Saddened that couldn't purchase an Ohio State swim cap for daughter, so she could compete with her swimmers that had Xichigan caps......Anyway, congrats to the Mens and Women's swim teams. Let our banner be held high.