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Ohio State - Student Experiences

With a 3.67, you would need to score at least a 25 on the ACT. Given that you are taking honors classes, your GPA should be sound, but you have to get the test score. ACTs in the low 20s are not cutting it for OSU anymore.

I believe I heard that if you get a 27 on your ACT you will automatically get something like $7400 dollars a year off your tuition no matter what. You dont have to fill out any forms and you dont have to even apply for it. Might be something to look into espicially if you(pertaining to anyone) needs financial assistance.
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I believe I heard that if you get a 27 on your ACT you will automatically get something like $7400 dollars a year off your tuition no matter what. You dont have to fill out any forms and you dont have to even apply for it. Might be something to look into espicially if you(pertaining to anyone) needs financial assistance.

not true...if it is true you at least have to apply, that's for sure
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illinoisbuckeye said:
I believe I heard that if you get a 27 on your ACT you will automatically get something like $7400 dollars a year off your tuition no matter what. You dont have to fill out any forms and you dont have to even apply for it. Might be something to look into espicially if you(pertaining to anyone) needs financial assistance.
maybe as an out of state kid you would be likely to get reduction in tuition, but i dont think its 100% thing. but i honestly dont know. i dont see them giving a way a ton of money for a kid who is basically average at the university...
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I believe I heard that if you get a 27 on your ACT you will automatically get something like $7400 dollars a year off your tuition no matter what. You dont have to fill out any forms and you dont have to even apply for it. Might be something to look into espicially if you(pertaining to anyone) needs financial assistance.

I scored higher than that, and believe me there was no $7400 deduction...
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maybe as an out of state kid you would be likely to get reduction in tuition, but i dont think its 100% thing. but i honestly dont know. i dont see them giving a way a ton of money for a kid who is basically average at the university...

I would love if I could get something like that, seeing that my first year would be out of state tuition, until I can declare an address of one of my relatives in Columbus for in-state tuition.
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Why attend OSU ?

Ok, I am an OSU grad from 1970, so I would like to add an "aged" perspective to this discussion. Of course your school of choice has to offer your field of study, but that is not much of a limiting factor. Let's talk important aspects. Your college years will shape the rest of your life. It will define who you are and who you aspire to become professionally. And just as significantly, your school is your new community where you will, yes, study and work at getting that degree, but also you will be making memories and developing relationships that will last your lifetime. The OSU is big. It offers everything and has some of the best facilities in the world. And within the bigness, a student can easily find his/her smaller circle of interest. The OSU has great traditions and a large Buckeye Nation of proud alumni, and it never hurts if that new business contact turns out also to be a Buckeye. The weather in Columbus isn't great all the time, and it is a long drive to the closest beach, but being a student at the OSU you will have a chance at a great education, and create an affiliation with a fun, proud and loyal Buckeye Nation, and experience Buckeye Pride. I know. I married my college next door neighbor 36 years ago, and still we drive 9 hours to make an annual trip to back to OSU to see the Buckeyes, sing the songs, visit campus, have a beer on High St, and remember oh so many great times!
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