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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)


#4 Kobelt/Metka will play #14 Kadhe/Sude (Oklahoma State) in the NCAA doubles semifinals at 4 PM today:

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Tennessee just closed out Clemson 6-4, 6-2

From twitter: With the semis victory, Kobelt ties Chase Buchanan's OSU record of 44 doubles wins set in 2012. Metka follows with 43 victories.

FWIW, UCLA's #2 guy (Marcos Giron) will play Peperdine's Alex Sarkissian in the singles championship. You may remember Giron when UCLA beat Ohio State in the quarterfinals:

#2 Marcos Giron (UCLA) vs. #109 Herkko Pollanen (OHIO STATE), 6-3, 3-6, 4-2, unf.
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From Ohio State's Twitter site: For the 2nd time in 3 years, an OSU doubles duo heads to the NCAA finals.

However, on the Tennessee site: Did you know? Mikelis Libietis & Hunter Reese have reached all 3 major doubles finals this year. Also, the Tennessee site had a good update on the weather today: Today's matches finished just in time!

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Two Columbus-area kids — Peter Kobalt and Kevin Metka — will compete for a doubles' national tennis championship today against some bums from Tennessee. The match will begin at the conclusion of the men's and women's singles championship matches, and those kickoff at noon. Every championship match will be streamed on NCAA.com.

Kobalt and Metka's biggest fan? Athletic Director Gene Smith, who will pocket at least another $18,000 if Kobalt and Metka ride out on their enemies. :roll1:

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The guys are back, it's 3-3 with the Bucks serving.

The Bucks just dodged 2 break points, it's now 4-3.

The Bucks just dodged another break point, it's now 5-4.

The Bucks just dodged another break point, it's now 6-5.

6-6 going to a tiebreaker.
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